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Welcome to our Virtual Exhibition / Performance Space




Michael Larsen-Disney

Director of Arts

The thought of children stuck at home without the ability to interact with their fellow pupils or without the freedom to create and play takes its toll on all of us. At Wellington, we work hard to engage our pupils in our online classes. We mix humour and fun with our learning, and we deliver it with compassion and understanding.  


But how do we foster and encourage artistic creativity when in-person concerts, performances and exhibitions are not possible. One way is to show the pupils they are not alone is by creating a space where they can share their passions, talents and creative projects. It was from this idea that our virtual gallery and performance space was born.


Of course, nothing will ever be a substitute for coming together in person to experience our pupils’ boundless creative energy, but I have to say, this immersive and interactive digital space comes pretty close to the real thing. It is amazing!


The exhibit is divided into three wings. Each one showcases a different area of the arts.


You will first enter our visual arts wing, where we have curated a collection of works by our Art Scholars and pupils from Upper Prep and Senior School. Use the intuitive controls to explore the space. You can zoom in on any piece that captures your imagination. The music you will hear in the background is a composition entitled ‘Patient’ by year 12 pupil Adele.  


Then, make your way to our music wing. Here our Music Scholars and IB pupils will treat you to stunning performances of everything from Shostakovich to the Beatles. You will have the opportunity to enjoy string quartets, vocal duets, orchestral performances and much more.



The third wing of our exhibit showcases the wonderful work our stage performers have been doing throughout the year. Prepare to be dazzled by dances, short plays, comedic vignettes and excerpts from our recent online production of A Series of Public Apologies.


Though we have been unable to represent all the areas of the shool equally, we will try to use this platform in the future to highlight more and more of our pupils’ creative work across the whole College. In essence, this is just the beginning of what we hope to offer.


So, I invite you all to scan the QR code below or visit https://bit.ly.WCISTheArtsin3D. Lose yourself in the experience. Do not worry. No security guard is going to tell you it is closing time, and you will not have to exit through the gift shop.





A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for tailored campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged to visit and experience Wellington first-hand.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.





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