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Fit for law | Minnie, Cambridge and UCL



At Wellington, we provide our pupils personalised, strategic and effective university and career guidance programme. As early as year 9, we work with them to identify their skills and interests. We teach them how to cultivate the attributes that universities and employers value. With help from our University Guidance Team, our pupils learn to think strategically when choosing their coursework and preparing for their admissions exams. Whether conducting mock admissions interviews or coaching on how to write an effective personal statement, we are with our pupils every step of the way. And every year, our pupils make us proud with offers from some of the world’s most respected institutions of higher learning.



This week, we talk with Minnie, Class of 2022. Her hard work, focus and determination have earned her offers from Cambridge and University College London to study law. Congratulations, Minnie!


Here Minnie shares how she came to have a passion for studying law and how Wellington’s University Guidance Team helped her follow that passion to the start of a successful career path.



Why law?


I debated between more scientific social studies like political science and more abstract ones like philosophy, and eventually found law to be a fitting balance between the two. I like how law interrogates real-life sociopolitical issues with analytical methods typically reserved for decidedly theoretical areas of study.



What universities have you narrowed it down to?


I have my choices down to the University of Cambridge and University College London. Both universities offer excellent legal education alongside a tight-knit law community and are situated in a campus environment.



How did Wellington’s University Guidance Team help you to reach your goals?


Since law is not taught in school, I found it challenging to grasp what the study of it looked like. The University Guidance Team helped by setting up weekly law seminars with Ms Lewis, a teacher with a legal background, who very kindly agreed to offer her time and expertise. The University Guidance Team also helped me highlight super-curricular opportunities such as essay competitions and running a law society CCA. Moreover, constant guidance was provided for the UCAS personal statement, standardized assessments like the LNAT, as well as interviews.



What surprised you the most about the university admissions process?

The process was quite a stressful time for most people, especially when nearing deadlines and decision days, but everyone was always incredibly supportive of each other. That is why I think it is worthwhile to take the time to really figure out what you are interested in, both academically and recreationally, and allot your time and attention accordingly.



A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for virtual campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.





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