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Congratulations to our Class of 2022!




The months leading up to graduation are always challenging. Our year 13 pupils are completing their exams, finalising their university decisions and mentally preparing to take the next big step in their lives. All of this is par for the course even when we are not contending with another pandemic outbreak. This is why Speech Day is so important. And it is why on Wednesday 25 May, even a citywide lockdown could not keep our 2022 Leavers from coming together to celebrate challenges met, successes achieved, friendships forged and futures awaited.



Microsoft Teams served as the venue for this year’s ceremony, and Head of Sixth Form Mr O'Brien officiated. He offered some clear-eyed words of encouragement in his opening remarks:


“My message to you isn’t that everything is okay and that everything is normal. Rather, my message is to be kind to yourselves, lean on each other when you need to and embrace the times when things are not okay or not normal. I know that you can do this and here’s why: I’m not somebody that would naturally use inspirational quotes or proverbs in a speech but I can’t help myself today. We all know the phrase ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. Well, I can’t imagine a more appropriate occasion to apply that phrase to a group of people. So, whether you’re moving to Europe, the USA or sailing around Sweden, look back on today when things might not be okay or normal and remember that you are capable of making some great lemonade.”



Several of our 2022 Leavers then took to the virtual stage to share their insights and advice on how to make the most out of their future. Deputy Head of College Anna mused on ‘The Benefits of Delusion’ while Neelimah urged her classmates to ‘Never, Never, Never Give Up’. Co-Heads of College Alice and Moksh evoked the Fab Four in a speech entitled ‘With a Little Help From My Friends’.



Later in the ceremony, Alice continued the Beatles theme with Aspen in a performance of ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’. Other Wellingtonians put on stellar performances as well. Sam played Stevie Wonder’s ‘Isn’t She Lovely?’ on his electric bass. Jennifer performed Brahms ‘Rhapsody in G Minor’. Alexandra and Allegra performed Adele’s ‘When We Were Young’.



Master of Wellington College Shanghai, Mr Fulton, also offered some resonating advice. “Never stop learning,” he urged. “Discovery is a lifelong gift, treasure it; learn from your mistakes, take risks and be pioneers in something. Be kind – to yourselves and others always. And remember, you can change the world – no matter how small your impact, you can change the world for someone.”


Then, with a final message, our 2022 Leavers took their final (figurative) steps to become newly-minted Old Wellingtonians.



A few parting memories from Class of 2022 of the good times and many moments that will be missed:



Congratulations once again to Wellington's class of 2022. You have shown tremendous resilience in the face of some truly tough times. You have come out the other end stronger and ready to face whatever challenges the world brings you. Now, go out there and do great things!


A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for virtual campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.





我们非常荣幸地宣布:又有一位惠灵顿学子喜获牛津大学法学院的录取通知。 “当收到录取通知书的那一刻,我首先非常震惊,随之而来的是极大的喜悦,"13年级学生Coleman说。"我相信牛津之所以选中我,是因为我展现出的那份积极向上的精神。我的个人陈述和面试中充分显示了我对心仪学科的热情以及我提升自己和促进社会进步的强烈愿望。 同时,本届13年级又有一名学生收到了剑桥大学自然科学专业的录取通知。令人欣喜的
值新年之际,我们非常高兴地宣布,我校幼儿部将增设托班和中班班级数量,从而将开放更多入学名额。 自惠灵顿幼儿部推出2岁托班课程以来,深受家长们的好评及欢迎。为了满足更多家庭的需求,我们计划从2024-2025学年开始增设一个托班班级。 同时,为了让更多学生做好一年后进入主园区小学部学习的衔接准备,我们也计划增设一个中班班级。 如果您有兴趣申请幼儿部的托班和中班,请联系学校招生办,参加开放日活动或通
与往年一样,为庆祝他们学业生涯中的重要里程碑,我们授予2022-23学年在IGCSE考试中获得最高分的10名学生荣誉证书——“IGCSE卓越奖”,并为他们量身定制西装。 “取得IGCSE 高分,不仅说明了这些学子的知识掌握程度,”中学部校长 Charles Debieux 博士说,“更清楚地表明了他们追求卓越的决心。他们所表现出的坚韧、自律和成长的心态等特质将持续助力后续的IB学习、大学生活,乃