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Learning to laugh through it all



Last week, we shared some insights from author and speaker Ben Aldridge. In a recent online session, he explained to our Senior School pupils that these challenging times present an opportunity for personal growth. By learning to confront our discomfort, sit with it and embrace it we build our capacity for resilience. It is certainly a powerful coping strategy. But when award-winning children’s book author Guy Bass spoke to our pupils in years 3-6 as part of a virtual visit, he offered a different perspective: humour.



Laughing in the face of adversity is an expression of resilience. Humour is a bulwark against despair. Recognising — and even relishing in — the humour and absurdity of a tough situation fuels hope. It keeps us buoyant and focused on the positive while remaining clear-eyed and mindful of the negative. Anyone who has ever read one of his Stitch Head books will recognise right away that Guy understands this. The books are dark, eerie and full of frightening monsters. But his characters are loveable and there is humour throughout.     




After nearly six weeks of being stuck in our homes, each of us has probably had the occasional bout of boredom. Sometimes the best cure for that can be our minds. This is why Guy also talked with our pupils about the importance of curiosity and imagination. He shared a story of his early childhood and how he came to explore and discover the world around him. He would draw on walls and smash things with a ‘magical’ stick he found under a bush. He drove his mother mad, constantly asking, “But why?” whenever she told him he could not do something. As he got older, he developed an interest in comic books. By this time, he was running around the garden in his pants pretending to be Tarzan or the Incredible Hulk. He had discovered a whole other world of adventure in his mind.



Guy then took questions from our pupils. They were probing and insightful. Clearly, the children were fully engaged. Many of the questions were about writing stories — how, when, where and what to do to make it happen, leading us to believe that we may have some budding bestselling authors in our midst. Guy had some useful advice for them as well:


“Believe in yourself, don’t doubt your ability, run with it…, have ideas, then more ideas. If you can’t finish a story and have a better idea, write that one instead!”


A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for virtual campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.





上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”2025-02-19
上学期,我校学生通过一年一度的TEDxYouth演讲活动(由学生自主组织),向全体师生呈现了一场精彩绝伦的展示,充分展现了年轻人旺盛的好奇心、非凡的勇气以及不可估量的潜能。这次演讲以“未知水域”为主题,9至13年级的学生们纷纷登台,围绕多个引人深思的话题,满怀激情地分享了自己的见解、疑问和想法。 从探究手机对年轻人的影响,到深刻剖析司法、道德与政治领域的错综复杂性,这些年轻的演讲者凭借其敏锐的洞
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校友惠系列访谈 | 2019届 Isabella Petry——拥抱人生的惊喜2025-01-07
在惠灵顿,我们的使命之一是让学生掌握知识技能,成为全面发展、具备国际视野的世界公民。我们衡量成功的重要标准之一,就是学子的成功。在 “校友惠”(We.Connect)系列访谈中,我们通过采访已毕业的惠灵顿学子,分享他们在离开惠灵顿后的经历与感悟,以及在各自领域所收获的成功。 Isabella Petry 是2019届毕业生,她在11月作为特邀嘉宾参加了我们的十周年庆典,并演唱了音乐剧《恐怖小店》