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#WeThePupils | Meet Adele, #NFTScholar

Important: Pupil-generated content 

“The Wellington marketing team told us we could do something digitally and on social as part of our marketing CCA. So… We decided to take over.  


This is... #WeThePupils. Content by the pupils. For the pupils. And about the pupils. 


Meet Adele – One of our Wellington #NFTScholars 


Enjoy our questions…”



How do you feel about your transition to Wellington?

Wellington is a welcoming community that allowed me to embrace who I am and explore what I am passionate about: music composition and entrepreneurship/business.



How does Wellington support your academic and social development? 

The super awesome pupil counsellors and life coaches in the pupil services team were a great help to me.


What characteristics do you think are considered your strengths? How has Wellington helped you develop these strengths?

My strengths are brainstorming, storytelling and creative thinking. After transferring to Wellington, I was encouraged to adopt more independent and critical thinking, especially in English literature class. It gave me the courage to come up with original interpretations of poems.


What opportunities does Wellington provide that help you pursue your interests or ambitions?

I got to further explore music composition. For example, I wrote music for the harp parts in the school orchestra. I also used my musical compositions to attend the New York Times Multimedia Challenge, and I was selected as one of the final winners (there were 25 winners out of 4000+ submissions).


How has the university guidance team supported you with college preparation?

We have monthly meetings to talk about my current activities. There was this amazing online university event organised by the College, and more than 100 universities attended online. I gained amazing insight into what American universities (the preferred destination of my applications) were like from conversations with actual admissions officers.


What do you like most about being a Wellington scholar?

I have time to explore my interests in music composition and creative writing, engage in proactive learning and become a more well-rounded scholar.



As a scholar, how do you manage the academic pressure at Wellington? 

I use time management apps to manage my time and do the most important things during the time of day when I can focus the most.



How does the Wellington Community help you build up your sense of self? 

In this community where everyone is independent and trusts themselves, I have gradually come to accept myself and gain confidence.


What do you think makes Wellington so unique?

The diverse and talented music community is something that I have never seen before. There are so many different gifted pupils who love music and dance. There is also the annual Senior School musical, which is extremely cool.


In what ways does Wellington cultivate you to be a well-rounded pupil?

Wellington emphasises well-rounded development that includes every aspect of my life, not just as a scholar. I am encouraged to attend more musical activities because I am interested in music, and I am encouraged to perform and reach out of my comfort zone to sing and play instruments.



What are your career aspirations and how is your scholarship helping you attain your goals?

In the future, I want to be a businesswoman/entrepreneur/music composer/writer. I have a wide range of interests, and having a scholarship gives me extra capital to invest in what I love. Also, the academic atmosphere is very encouraging. I get to attend so many different in-school activities that help me develop my leadership skills and build confidence.






About the artist
Alejandro (Year 9)


“Although I am 100% Spanish, I was born in China and have lived in Shanghai my whole life. In total, my family has five members. I first fell in love with crypto when I stumbled across a video explaining what an NFT was. Instantly my interests took over and I created my brand, sexy sharks, which are 2222 digital sharks swimming on the blockchain. You can find my work at ‘thesexysharknft’. When you claim a sexy shark as your own, you get exclusive access to a world where sharks dominate.”


Interview by Diana, Kitty, Nicole

Artwork by Alejandro

Marketing Channels by Adele

Campaign by all



Here, pupils take the lead.

Join Adele as a Scholar.

Scan and apply today.



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