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#WeThePupils | Meet Zoe, #NFTScholar


“The Wellington marketing team told us we could do something digitally and on social as part of our marketing CCA. So… We decided to take over.  


This is... #WeThePupils. Content by the pupils. For the pupils. And about the pupils. 


Meet Zoe – One of our Wellington #NFTScholars 


Enjoy our questions…”



How do you feel about your transition to Wellington?

Even though it was my first-time transferring schools, it was an easy transition for me. I felt really welcomed by the teachers as well as my peers in my year and it was easy to make friends. Apart from the campus, which was literally like a maze when I first came, everything else (classes, CCAs and houses) was easy to navigate, which made me feel like I was part of the community soon after I joined.



What opportunities does Wellington provide that help you pursue your interests or ambitions?

Wellington has enabled me to pursue my passion for music through the many opportunities to perform in concerts, assemblies and even outside of school for fundraising events. I was also given the opportunity to become a music scholar and to perform in the band for the Senior School musical even though I was new to the school.



As a scholar, how do you manage the academic pressure at Wellington?

Having good time management skills definitely helps. Academic pressure and time management skills go hand-in-hand. Having academic pressure means that you must develop good time management skills to excel and having good time management skills enables you to learn better and become a better pupil. Apart from that, my teachers also give me a lot of help. They are willing to spend extra time answering our questions or going over materials that are more difficult for us (especially during IB). It is reassuring to know that I can always depend on my teachers when I do not understand something and that they are willing to help us overcome challenges together. Apart from that, it is also awesome that we can have teachers whom we can talk to when we feel stressed or pressured. I know many teachers who are very caring to help us with anything we are struggling with.



What do you think makes Wellington so unique?

Apart from all the facilities and the huge campus with the beautiful natural scenery, I think Wellington stands apart because of its community. When I first transferred here, I was shocked at how everyone was so kind and welcoming. It was so easy to get along with the teachers and my peers in my year, even though I was a new pupil. It is so awesome that even today when I walk down the corridor, teachers and friends will smile at me and say hello.

Another thing is how Wellington’s leadership team is always willing to make new changes to improve the school. Since Wellington is a relatively new school, there are not a lot of rigid traditions that began decades ago. Being a new school means that there is lots of flexibility, and I see that our teachers are always trying new approaches or making changes in our Senior School, whether that is the house leadership format or the way we structure lessons. It is nice that the teachers are willing to listen to the voices of pupils and parents and that we can visibly see changes happening around the school to make our community a better place.





About the artist
Alejandro (Year 9)


“Although I am 100% Spanish, I was born in China and have lived in Shanghai my whole life. In total, my family has five members. I first fell in love with crypto when I stumbled across a video explaining what an NFT was. Instantly my interests took over and I created my brand, sexy sharks, which are 2222 digital sharks swimming on the blockchain. You can find my work at ‘thesexysharknft’. When you claim a sexy shark as your own, you get exclusive access to a world where sharks dominate.”


Interview by Diana, Kitty, Nicole

Artwork by Alejandro

Marketing Channels by Adele

Campaign by all



Here, pupils take the lead.

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