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Meet Wellington’s new Head of Prep School, Mr Thomas Hughes



Thomas Hughes

Head of Prep School

We are pleased to introduce the newest member of the Wellington Family, our new Head of Prep School, Mr Thomas Hughes. Mr Hughes comes to us from Harrow International School Shenzhen and has held teaching and leadership positions at leading international schools in Guangzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai for 13 years. An ardent supporter of our holistic education model, he has an in-depth understanding of the UK curriculum, and throughout his career, he has played an active role in safeguarding. Mr Hughes joins us not only as an educator but also as a parent. He and his wife are excited to be returning to Shanghai with their two sons, who will join us in years 2 and 6. Here Mr Hughes shares some of his vision for our Prep School and what it means to be an educator.


Education as a calling

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to study at the University of Buenos Aires as an undergraduate. It seems like ancient history now. I had no laptop, no smartphone (just imagine!) and a 14-hour flight felt like a very long way from home. It was a challenging first few weeks, but I learned a great deal as a result. Soon I was making the most of fantastic opportunities to learn from another culture and to understand the beauty of another language in its true context. I went on to research and write my undergraduate dissertation about Argentine students’ second language acquisition in Buenos Aires schools. My personal experiences of language learning and my perspective as a parent of bilingual children have further inspired me to continually reexamine and strive to improve the provision we offer our pupils.


On school leadership


A school leader should have an absolute belief in the potential of all young people. This means recognizing the myth of talent and the power of practice. Kindness and Integrity are the two Wellington Values that resonate most profoundly with me when I think of the people for whom I have the most respect and affection as school leaders. Being open-minded and ready to learn from others is essential. Being a good school leader also means being passionate, proactive and positive; resilient, respected and respectful.


Bringing out the best in our pupils

Children learn best when they are equipped with the skills and dispositions to drive their own learning. They need an environment in which they feel safe and can develop the courage to take risks, experiment and learn from their mistakes. Of course, the people who have the biggest impact on our children’s experience and outcomes at school are their inspiring teachers. They know their pupils extremely well and value them as individuals. They are there to challenge and support them and to celebrate their successes along the way.


A vision for our Prep School


I want our pupils to move on to the Senior School and university having experienced a real sense of belonging to our community that will stay with them for a very long time. There’s a lot to be said for happiness! And I am sure that our pupils will create many happy memories during their time at Wellington, having enjoyed a vast range of experiences and amassed numerous lessons learned that they will be able to draw upon, wherever the future may lead them. I also expect our pupils to leave us with the qualifications, the knowledge, the skills and the understanding that allow them to follow their chosen pathway — a pathway that will enable them to flourish as lifelong learners. This must be central to what we do here.


Being a Wellington parent


My wife and I are really excited to be joining such a large and diverse community of internationally-minded families who respectfully learn from and support one another. Our main priority has been choosing an excellent school where our children will be supported in their academic achievements as they grow up to become kind, well-rounded adults. I would not want anything less for all our pupils at Wellington.”

Please join us in welcoming our newest member of the Wellington Family, Mr. Thomas Hughes!



A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for tailored campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged to visit and experience Wellington first-hand.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.





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