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What everyday objects can teach us about history


There are a lot of ways that we connect with history. We can read a book, for instance, or visit a museum. But there is a subtle power in the objects and items our forebearers have left behind or passed on to us. Their look and feel, their signs of wear, tear and care speak untold volumes of how life was lived in times past.



This is why our year 1 teachers organised a 'history museum' of everyday objects for our pupils. This exercise proved to be an interactive entry point for their 'Time Detectives' IPC unit. Each class was assigned a 20-year time period, roughly a generation. This provided the whole year group with a view of history from 1900 to the present. Even parents got involved. They were asked to search their homes for memorabilia and miscellanea from each respective era and to bring these objects to school to be displayed in the Pre-Prep foyer.



The focus of this activity was on things that speak clearly of their times, like toys, clothes, transportation and school items. These are all things that undergo pronounced changes over the years. As such, parents brought a wide variety of items — telephones, TVs, Tamagotchis and more. Some of the oldest items on display were a model of the Titanic, an original Barbie doll, inkstones and even a pair of foot-binding shoes from the Qing Dynasty era.  



Some of them remain relevant and are perhaps improved up while others become obsolete and perhaps even unfamiliar to our year 1 pupils. Whatever the case may be, interacting with these items instilled in our pupils a sense of how much their physical world has changed through the years and, perhaps, how much it will likely change in the future.

The children were quickly able to identify when specific items were made simply by look and feel. They also learned about the way play has evolved over the decades by examining toys like yo-yos and water ring toss games and how they contrast with digital screen devices and gaming consoles.



Parents and grandparents were also invited to share their childhood experiences. The pupils were surprised, for instance, that Shanghai traffic lights were once manually operated! They were also amazed that there was a time when households did not have their own telephones, and you could not even play Angry Birds on them! How times have changed!  



All told, it was a fun and enriching experience for all. Even the parents and teachers learned a thing or two!




A Wellington Welcome


Wellington is taking rolling applications for the 2021-22 academic year and inviting future Wellingtonians to join us for tailored campus tours for 2022 entry.


Children and young adults applying for our Senior School (years 9 through 13) and Academic Scholarship programmes are encouraged to visit and experience Wellington first-hand.


For those interested, please complete a registration form by scanning below QR code.




TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”2025-02-19
上学期,我校学生通过一年一度的TEDxYouth演讲活动(由学生自主组织),向全体师生呈现了一场精彩绝伦的展示,充分展现了年轻人旺盛的好奇心、非凡的勇气以及不可估量的潜能。这次演讲以“未知水域”为主题,9至13年级的学生们纷纷登台,围绕多个引人深思的话题,满怀激情地分享了自己的见解、疑问和想法。 从探究手机对年轻人的影响,到深刻剖析司法、道德与政治领域的错综复杂性,这些年轻的演讲者凭借其敏锐的洞
上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch
Victoria Doamekpor信息科技与创新主任 近年来,教育科技的进步呈现出飞速发展的态势,这一趋势主要得益于对高效在线学习模式的需求以及生成式人工智能平台的蓬勃兴起。作为教育工作者,我们面临着一项挑战:如何运用这些先进的工具来提升学习效率,同时又要时刻关注这些工具对于学生福祉的影响。 同任何教学工具一样,科技应当以富有意义的方式运用到学习之中,为学生的学习机遇铺设坚实的基础,有力地提升