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In case you missed it | Wellington's holiday stage performances


The holiday season continues with another round of spectacular pupil performances. Over the past two weeks, our budding thespians in Upper Prep took the spotlight with our annual holiday pantomime and an updated classic from Shakespeare.   


December began with sound and fury as our Upper Prep pupils put on an intimate performance of Macbeth in the Black Box Theatre. This modern reworking of the Shakespeare tragedy took some of the toil and trouble out of the dialogue, but the 25 cast members nevertheless stretched themselves with some truly challenging material. It proved every bit as engaging, relevant and shocking as the original. Mr Jones, with the help of Mrs Heatley, worked with the pupils in creating an immersive experience that incorporated dynamic stage settings and light effects. Not only that, the troupe put on a third show due to popular demand. But in case you missed all three, here are some snapshots of the highlights.


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The following week, our Upper Prep children traded in their tartans for turbans and took audiences on a magic journey to ancient Baghdad for a production of Aladdin. The cast and crew provided plenty of laughs as the street-smart Aladdin vied for the affections of Princess Jasmine and outfoxed the evil Abanazer at every turn. A few fun and familiar songs came courtesy of our music department and music pupils too. If you were unable to attend but would like to see what it was like, consider your wish granted! See our pictures below!


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Be sure to keep watching this spot for more holiday performance highlights!


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