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Meet Wellington’s Heads and Deputy Head of College


Wellington College's senior Pupil Leadership Team have settled into their roles and have started representing their fellow pupils.

We sat down with year 13 pupils Alice and Moksh (Heads of College) and Anna (Deputy Head of College) to hear their thoughts on leadership, responsibility, being school role models and their plans for the academic year ahead.

Why did you apply?

AliceI just really, really love this school and everyone here and all the teachers, and I just wanted to do my bit to make a difference.

Moksh: I have been a part of this community for a long time, seven years now. It seemed like a good way not only to give back but to have a meaningful impact.

Anna: I wanted to create a positive environment because I personally struggle with academic pressure quite a lot, and I wanted to do my part to help my fellow pupils feel safe while pursuing academic excellence.

How does it feel to be selected for the role?

Moksh: It definitely feels good. There is a sense of pride and honour. As a whole, though, I am excited, because it gives me the opportunity to do things that I have always wanted to do here.

Alice: When I first came to the school I was 11, and I always looked up to the pupil leadership. First it was the Head Boy and Head Girl. Then it was the Heads of College. So firstly, I think it is really cool to know that there may be other people who view us in that way and that we can be that role model for somebody else. But I am also excited by the prospect of putting our ideas into action.

Anna: To say it simply, it feels great. It is also a responsibility, which we are all willing to take. It is very exciting.

Is it daunting to have this kind of responsibility along with your academic workload?

AnnaOh definitely! Especially the prospect of having to prioritise one over the other from time to time. It is definitely scary. But we knew that going in, and I think we will find a good balance.

Alice: I think it is wonderful to learn how to achieve this balance at this age because this will be an important skill to have throughout my life. It is also comforting to know that I will have the support of Moksh, Anna, Mr O'Brien and the rest of the Pupil Leadership Team if things get a little overwhelming.

MokshThe workload has not yet felt like too much, and I do not think it will if we do it the way we are supposed to do it — just being organised and working together. But in the event that it does, it will be a great learning opportunity to prepare us for responsibility as adults.

What would you like to accomplish this year?

AliceWe have a bunch of different ideas, but one idea I am keen on is encouraging more outdoor learning. That would be really cool because we have such wonderful outdoor facilities and the campus is so big and it feels like we almost never use it! Also, there are major advantages to your mental health, grades and memory retention.

MokshI am excited to increase our engagement with charities. I would like to integrate house competitions with charitable work, like making a competition to see which house can raise the most money for a particular cause.

Anna: A project that is very dear to my heart is increasing the opportunities for pupils to get exposure to current affairs and international news. We get so involved in our studies that it easy for us to lose sight of what is going on in the world.

How has your Wellington experience prepared you for this position?

Anna: My Wellington experience has been quite short, but over the last year, my confidence has increased exponentially. I have gotten more comfortable with speaking and hearing my own voice. I actually auditioned and got a part in the Senior School musical and I had never been part of anything like that before. Being Head of Hill House has definitely helped groom me to be a leader as well.

Alice: This school has taught me not to be afraid of asking questions or being wrong. I am not afraid to pursue something and give it my all. Ever since I have been here, I have had opportunities for leadership, whether it was serving as Head of House or as Head Girl. Every one of those roles has given me the confidence needed to take this role on.

Moksh: I think Alice would agree when I say that having been here for so long, I feel like most of my personality has developed through this school. When I first arrived here, I was shy. Then, as the years went on, the school has pushed me to take on new challenges, whether it is sports or a theatre production. The confidence I have gained has been extremely helpful.

What do responsibility and leadership mean to you?

AliceLeadership is the ability to listen and respect other people's opinions and to reach consensus for the greatest good. Responsibility is knowing what is expected of you and knowing your values and being able to accommodate both.

Moksh: A leader brings people together. Under good leadership, things should flow smoothly and everybody should work well together. As a leader, I should be facilitating that. Responsibility is knowing what needs to be done and doing it the right way.

AnnaA good leader empowers the people on their team while making them feel safe. Responsibility is the ability to handle challenges with as much dignity as possible.


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请欣赏Daniel为龙年新春创作的画作——《金龙》,并听他讲述为惠灵顿社群创作这幅水彩作品背后的故事。 因对中国传统艺术文化的深情与厚爱与发扬,上海惠灵顿7年级学生Daniel成为校园里的艺术之星。在过去三年里,他以中秋节、春节等中国传统节庆等为主题进行绘画创作,展现出卓越的艺术天赋与才能,令惠灵顿社群倍感骄傲。龙是Daniel的生肖,所以即将到来的龙年对他而言更具意义。在他今年创作的作品中可以
Brendon Fulton校长 在我们欣然进入值得拥有的寒假之际,我想借此机会感谢大家一直以来的支持。今年对上海惠灵顿来说是非凡的一年,在去年的毕业生创下大学录取纪录的基础上,我们今年的入学人数也创下历史新高。今年八月加入我们社群的新员工,感叹于学校的温暖,更赞叹我们学子所展现出的卓越才华。 今年,我们全新启用了“从心,致远”的教育格言,这已成为学生、家长和老师的日常行为准则。在联合国日和国际