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Four ways to ease back into the school mindset


The 2021-22 academic year is almost here! But after eight weeks of rest and relaxation, transitioning back into school life can be a challenge. That is why the time to start preparing both mentally and physically is now. Here are four simple and sensible tactics to ease yourself back into the school mindset.


Re-establish routines

A school day is built upon routines. Fundamental to all of this is your sleep schedule. Over the past eight weeks, you have likely strayed from it. Now is the time to begin reversing that trend. Start by waking up 15 to 30 minutes earlier, progressively each day. Once you are waking up at the time you would be for school, calculate your bedtime on how much sleep you need. Children aged 3-5 years require 10-13 hours of sleep. Children aged 6-13 require 9 to 11. Children aged 14-17 require 8 to 10 hours. Adults 18 and above can get by on 7-9 hours. Then, try to stick to this schedule as best you can, even on weekends.  


As you return to a more normal sleep schedule, start adjusting other routines according to your typical school day as well, such as mealtimes. Have lunch at the same time you normally would while in school, for instance. The same goes for breakfast and dinner. Anchoring your day around these regularly occurring events will ensure a much smoother transition to the rigours of the school day.


Map out your academic year

Another way to ease into the academic mindset is to begin filling in your calendar. Start by filling in the major dates — exams, major assignment deadlines, start and end of terms, etc. Mark any important CCA dates as well, such as sporting and performance events, club meetings or academic competitions. Your family and social life are important too, so be sure to include any commitments you have in this area of your life as well.


Set clear goals

Your calendar will serve as a roadmap for the goals that you set for yourself in the coming year. Setting goals requires clear thought and intentionality. So, take some time to reflect on some of thing things you would like to accomplish this year. Are you looking to improve your tennis game? Perhaps you want to master a new composition on the piano? Do you have a particular university you would like to get into? You can apply the SMART technique to all of the above and more. The SMART technique helps you to think of goals that are:

Specific (Think: "I want to improve my tennis game.")


Measurable (Think: "What is my measure of success? An extended rally? A better serve technique?")


Achievable (Think: "How will I achieve this goal? Regular practice? Training with a personal coach?")


Relevant (Think: "Is this a good use of my time? Hint: absolutely!")


Time-bound (Think: "How long will it take me to accomplish this?")  

Review what you learned last year

You are on the back end of an eight-week gap in your learning. You are bound to have forgotten a few details. Now is the perfect time to review the materials from your classes last year. Revisit your homework, lecture notes, quizzes and exams from last year. Pay special attention to the areas where you struggled, the answers you got wrong the first time. Maybe even skim over some of your reading assignments from last year as well. If possible, see what you can find out about your coursework for the coming year. Ask your teachers for syllabi or other suggested reading. Older siblings or friends can also be a great resource. They can provide valuable insight from a pupil's perspective. By doing just a little bit of work in advance, you will be better equipped to hit the ground running this year.  


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