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Winter at Wellington | Countdown to the holidays

Another calendar year is quickly drawing to a close in a flurry of wintry excitement which gave everyone in the Wellington community the chance to celebrate and take stock of another term packed full of progress, learning and no shortage of memorable moments.   Christmas Tree Lighting and Winter Concert 22nd November Pupils, parents and teachers gathered on the College esplanade for what has become an annual favourite. The Christmas tree being ceremonially lit accompanied by Christmas carols marks the traditional start of Wellington’s winter festivities. A big thank you goes out to the Friends of Wellington for kindly providing refreshments.   Once the tree was lit, it was time to head into the welcoming warmth of the College theatre for the annual Winter Concert. Musical events like these bring a sense of joy and excitement to the College while providing vital opportunities for pupils to develop their skills and enjoy a sense of pride in what they have achieved. Sam Mulliner, Head of Music: “At Wellington, we always try to provide our pupils with a diverse range of performance opportunities. While this year’s Winter Concert featured our orchestra, European folk music group, training orchestra, multiple choirs, a newly formed ska band as well as solo performances from year 13 IB music pupils, we also enjoyed presenting more informal performances, including a range of secret pop-up concerts that brought music to parts of the College when it was least expected. Our choir pupils have also performed at some of Shanghai’s most prominent hotels and Christmas events. This year we have seen choirs perform at venues such as the Peninsula Hotel, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, the British Chamber of Commerce and Tiffany’s flagship store. In all cases, pupils should be extremely proud of their many accomplishments and I hope they have enjoyed themselves at every step of the way.”   Christmas Bazaar 23rd November The heady scents of mulled wine and other Christmas treats filled the air as the College dome played host to an expanded Christmas Bazaar, featuring a mix of long-standing favourites alongside plenty of new stalls and faces. Throughout the day our wider Wellington community perused the fantastic assembly of offerings that filled the bazaar. Whether you were looking for handcrafted Christmas decorations, gifts in the form of fashion items, bespoke jewellery, home accessories and spa experiences, or you simply fancied a delicious mince pie or some other delicacy from the fantastic range of food stalls, we hope that Christmas came early for you!   Pre-Nursery and Nursery Christmas Sing-along Reception Christmas Performance 12th December Our youngest pupils got into the Christmas spirit by singing some of their favourite Christmas tunes. Dressed as festive trees, snowmen and even Santa Claus, they certainly looked the part and the audience was delighted by their infectious singing. Next was the turn of our Reception children who told us the story of the star of the Nativity who could not shine, but needed to help everyone find the baby Jesus. There was no shortage of sparkle and heart-warming songs, and we were all thoroughly impressed by how well the children remembered and spoke their lines.   Year 1 Christmas Extravaganza Year 2 Christmas Extravaganza 13th December The following day it was the turn of the year 1 pupils to shine by performing Hey Ewe, the story of a curious sheep at Christmas time. Again, it told the story of the Nativity from a different perspective while sharing the special message of peace and goodwill to all at this time of year. Finally, year 2 took the stage to produce a rapid roundup of Christmas celebratory customs held by different cultures from all over the world. Taking inspiration from China, the USA, Australia, Malawi, Ireland and Poland, the pupils demonstrated just how special and unique different celebrations of the same event can be. This underpins the values we maintain at Wellington, as we share with our children the role they have as global citizens and expand their understanding and knowledge of the world around them.   The winter celebrations have come and gone again far too quickly as is always the case each year. We hope that you have shared and enjoyed these events with your friends, peers, colleagues and family members within the Wellington community. We wish you all a relaxing winter break and a Happy New Year.


上海惠灵顿校长Brendon Fulton的暑期寄语2023-06-30
Brendon Fulton校长 今年对惠灵顿而言是一个分水岭——疫情结束,生活恢复了常态。过去几年的许多记忆,时有艰苦、时有磨难,但都弥足珍贵。我们学校和社群将一直铭记这些经历,作为我们同心协力,共克时艰的见证。 今年所取得的卓越成绩,再次彰显了惠灵顿人的韧性。年初2月,我们13年级的学生刷新学校记录,收到了来自Oxford, 牛津大学、剑桥大学、加州理工学院、伦敦帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、
Brendon Fulton校长开学寄语:从心致远,方能成就自我凝聚社群2023-09-08
在度过了一个愉悦舒心且收获颇丰的暑假之后,我很高兴地欢迎大家返校,共同开启上海惠灵顿2023-24新学年! 欢迎惠灵顿学子来到2023-2024新学年 上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校秉持 “ 惠贤育能,立德树人”的理念,这也是我们日常教学、一言一行的基石。我们力行 “笃学”,以求知若渴的热情和挑战自我的内在动力砥砺前行。校园配备有先进的科学实验室、馆藏超过40,000册的图书馆,以及设计与技术工作室
开卷有益 | 上海惠灵顿寒假书单2023-12-20
寒假的到来,让我们有更多时间与国内外的亲朋好友相聚。无论身处何方,我们都希望学子可以在闲暇之余,读一本好书。今年寒假,学校图书馆馆长Rafael Santos Montesino,为不同年龄阶段的学子推荐了一份书单。在此,祝大家假期愉快,享受阅读的乐趣! 小学预备段 Little Santa(当圣诞老人小时候)Jon Agee著 本书超级有趣,非常温馨!作者通过想象,揭秘圣诞老人小时候的惊天秘密