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The inaugural Wellington sports awards evening

Following an outstanding year of sports at the college over its first year, the PE department wanted to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our young and upcoming athletes. What better way to showcase the accomplishments and efforts of our individuals and teams than a Sports Awards event? Awards were presented for all of the sports in which the college has participated in competitively over the past three terms. Basketball, Badminton, Football, Swimming, Cross-Country, Athletics, Netball and Rugby were all celebrated during an entertaining evening held in the College theatre. Individual trophies were presented for Player/Competitor of the year, Most Improved, Most Committed and Sportsmanship Awards. We also had trophies for Team of the Year as well as Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year. The PE Department went all out as they took to the stage, minus their trademark shorts and running shoes, the team presented awards to some of our most talented, committed and enthusiastic athletes. The winners on the evening showcased the philosophy of the college and the PE department, focusing on inclusion and improvement as well as elite performance in sport. We would like to congratulate all of our winners again and thank all of the staff and parents who made the event so memorable. We look forward to hosting the event next year, again celebrating what we are sure will be another outstanding year of sport at Wellington College.


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