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Netball - first win of the season!

The U19 squad journeyed over to BISS puxi for their first fixture elf the season. Newcomer Elisa Dalle Piagge was the team’s only change to last year. Coco Brandini and Jade Sedgwick were particularly nervous now playing five years up from their age group! The girls started well, winning the first quarter 4-0. Excellent shooting from Luna Christensen as GA and centre court play from Harriet Rayner – playing out of position as WD – ensured great ball distribution across court. In the second quarter BISS played a stormer, catching up Wellington to tie the scores 7-7. In the third, Wellington became nervous and poor passing related on a lot of turnovers in BISS’ favour. Wellington now trailed 15-13. However, Sophie Cook impressed in the circle as GS and Lucia Dalle Piagge (WA) fought for control of centre court. Jade Sedgwick and Elizabeth McKim made some great interceptions as GD and GK. Langa Nindie impressed with her levels of fitness covering the court with ease. In the final quarter, Wellington knew what they had to do Jasmine Kazantzis kept the girls focussed as Centre and Luna continued her excellent streak of accuracy in the circle. Lucia, Women of the Match, intercepted crucial passes from BISS’ defence to attack which were converted by Coco and Luna. This led Wellington to a victory of 20-19. A special mention must go to Elisa. Her first game and she played very well. Her height was used to defend crucial goals and she played with her fellow defenders (Harriet, Elizabeth and Jade) as if they had been playing together a lot longer than three weeks ! A great afternoon.


“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果公布 上海惠灵顿跃居全国第三
“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果公布 上海惠灵顿跃居全国第三2024-07-15
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 备受瞩目的“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果近日火热出炉,上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校再度上榜,并荣获相关榜单全国第三的史上最佳成绩,在上海国际学校排名中名列前茅。这一殊荣,充分肯定了上海惠灵顿在追求卓越的道路上所付出的努力,以及所取得的成就。 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 今年福布斯中国发布的“国际化学校年度评选”,择选出中国国内综合实力优秀的
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校友惠系列访谈 | 2019届 Isabella Petry——拥抱人生的惊喜2025-01-07
在惠灵顿,我们的使命之一是让学生掌握知识技能,成为全面发展、具备国际视野的世界公民。我们衡量成功的重要标准之一,就是学子的成功。在 “校友惠”(We.Connect)系列访谈中,我们通过采访已毕业的惠灵顿学子,分享他们在离开惠灵顿后的经历与感悟,以及在各自领域所收获的成功。 Isabella Petry 是2019届毕业生,她在11月作为特邀嘉宾参加了我们的十周年庆典,并演唱了音乐剧《恐怖小店》
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上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生 Sophie2024-05-31
随着2023-2024学年渐近尾声,我校即将迎来新一届毕业生。他们将踏上更广阔的舞台去探索世界,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。值此毕业之际,2024届学子纷纷回首在校求学的美好时光,并分享对未来的期望。 Sophie在10年级时加入了上海惠灵顿,这段经历丰富了她的世界,拓宽了她的视野。尽管要面对学业上的压力和挑战,但她有足够的空间与自由去追求自己真正热爱的事。在惠灵顿的四年里,她找寻到对物理专业的热爱