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The Mike Gatting cricket tournament

Wellington College students were given a rare treat over the weekend when they had the opportunity to play cricket under the supervision of one of the greats of the game. Former England Captain and legendary batsman, Mike Gatting was in town to promote the game of cricket and to bring some cricket know-how to students from all over Shanghai. The Wellington U9 and U11 teams were the first in action. Traveling to Dulwich College to take part in, for what was for most, their first ever cricket match. Playing in a limited overs, pairs match the students got to experience the thrill of this most traditional of games. Mike Gatting was on hand all day, offering advice and encouragement to the students as they played their matches. With a real hands on approach, Mike spent time with many students offering them advice on correct grip, swing and batting technique. The U9s, although fairly inexperienced managed to win two of their four matches and in a thrilling 3rd/4th play off managed to hold off a spirited YK Pao performance to take a third place in the tournament. The U11s, equally won two of their four games and in a carbon copy of the U9s beat YK Pao to take third place overall in the tournament. Although having never played the game before, Agnes Yu proved her athletic ability once again by being awarded ‘batsman of the tournament’ and was personally presented with a trophy by Mike Gatting. Saturday saw the U13 teams in action on home soil. With outstanding performances from all of the Welllingtonians, only bad light stopped play. However, the Wellington team had amassed enough point to be declared overall winners on the day. It was another amazing weekend of sport again for Wellington students and it’s staff, having this fantastic opportunity to spend time with one of the worlds greatest sporting icons.  


我校10年级体育奖学金获得者Ettore,在分享他故事的时候说到,“与其说我主动选择了游泳这项运动,不如说是游泳这项运动选择了我。” 在这段视频中,Ettore与我们分享了他的成长历程——从儿时初次与水结缘的简单时光,到坚持不懈地磨砺蛙泳技艺,直至最终成为我校水狮游泳队的核心主力。 惠灵顿体育奖学金获得者(游泳)——Ettore“专心致志、永不言弃,成功终将属于你。” 作为惠灵顿奖学金获得者,E
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”2025-02-19
上学期,我校学生通过一年一度的TEDxYouth演讲活动(由学生自主组织),向全体师生呈现了一场精彩绝伦的展示,充分展现了年轻人旺盛的好奇心、非凡的勇气以及不可估量的潜能。这次演讲以“未知水域”为主题,9至13年级的学生们纷纷登台,围绕多个引人深思的话题,满怀激情地分享了自己的见解、疑问和想法。 从探究手机对年轻人的影响,到深刻剖析司法、道德与政治领域的错综复杂性,这些年轻的演讲者凭借其敏锐的洞
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校友惠系列访谈 | 2019届 Isabella Petry——拥抱人生的惊喜2025-01-07
在惠灵顿,我们的使命之一是让学生掌握知识技能,成为全面发展、具备国际视野的世界公民。我们衡量成功的重要标准之一,就是学子的成功。在 “校友惠”(We.Connect)系列访谈中,我们通过采访已毕业的惠灵顿学子,分享他们在离开惠灵顿后的经历与感悟,以及在各自领域所收获的成功。 Isabella Petry 是2019届毕业生,她在11月作为特邀嘉宾参加了我们的十周年庆典,并演唱了音乐剧《恐怖小店》