Rugby season kicks off at Wellington!
Last Sunday Wellington’s U.13 and U.11 Rugby teams enjoyed a fantastic morning of rugby at BISS Puxi. They had the unique opportunity to have a coaching session from Ben Gollings who is the former England 7’s captain and record points scorer of all time in the 7’s game. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the experience and took full advantage of this opportunity.
The U.13 team played against the Shanghai Bandits after the training session, in what was a highly competitive game. Both teams played some expansive rugby and it was a real pleasure to watch. Wellington ended up coming out victorious in the end with a 10-5 win. There were many outstanding performances, notably Captain Mats Ceyssens who led by example and competed well at the breakdown. Sam Ceyssens and Louis Flint were also a constant threat with both crossing the white wash for a try. Also many congratulations to Cameron and Alex for making their debut for the college in what was their first ever competitive game.
The U.11’s played two games one against the Bandits, which ended in draw. Both teams played well and Captain George Flint was impressive with his elusive running and Tommaso Colombo was very committed in the tackle area. In the second match the boys came up against a very strong Japanese side and they lost by a couple of tries. Overall the boys played really well and they should be proud of their performance. Big congratulations to Felix, Jason and Brendan on their first game of rugby.
We look forward to hosting the next tournament on the 15th November and I hope to see you on the touchline soon.
Alex Lloyd
Director of Sport
与往年一样,为庆祝他们学业生涯中的重要里程碑,我们授予2022-23学年在IGCSE考试中获得最高分的10名学生荣誉证书——“IGCSE卓越奖”,并为他们量身定制西装。 “取得IGCSE 高分,不仅说明了这些学子的知识掌握程度,”中学部校长 Charles Debieux 博士说,“更清楚地表明了他们追求卓越的决心。他们所表现出的坚韧、自律和成长的心态等特质将持续助力后续的IB学习、大学生活,乃
从心,致创作:惠灵顿学子绘 “金龙”庆新春2024-02-02
请欣赏Daniel为龙年新春创作的画作——《金龙》,并听他讲述为惠灵顿社群创作这幅水彩作品背后的故事。 因对中国传统艺术文化的深情与厚爱与发扬,上海惠灵顿7年级学生Daniel成为校园里的艺术之星。在过去三年里,他以中秋节、春节等中国传统节庆等为主题进行绘画创作,展现出卓越的艺术天赋与才能,令惠灵顿社群倍感骄傲。龙是Daniel的生肖,所以即将到来的龙年对他而言更具意义。在他今年创作的作品中可以
开卷有益 | 上海惠灵顿寒假书单2023-12-20
寒假的到来,让我们有更多时间与国内外的亲朋好友相聚。无论身处何方,我们都希望学子可以在闲暇之余,读一本好书。今年寒假,学校图书馆馆长Rafael Santos Montesino,为不同年龄阶段的学子推荐了一份书单。在此,祝大家假期愉快,享受阅读的乐趣! 小学预备段 Little Santa(当圣诞老人小时候)Jon Agee著 本书超级有趣,非常温馨!作者通过想象,揭秘圣诞老人小时候的惊天秘密