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Prep school - 2015 Inter-house football competition

After the tense 2014 penalty shoot out there was a real buzz around the college as preparations were made for this years first Inter-House competition. The 2015 tournament had a change of format with the introduction of the new Prep-School system. This year saw two separate competitions run for both the Upper (Years 5, 6, and 7) and Lower Prep Schools (Years 3 and 4). With the arrival of The Lyndoch House in the school this also gave the event a new feel as every one waited to see what the ‘new kids on the block’ could do. A new initiative this year as well was the Prep-School being joined the college’s ‘Sports Leaders’. Acting as both referees and coaches to the teams these senior school students assisted though out the morning and did a great job working with the younger students. A round robin tournament where each house played each other once, where one house would be knocked out of the competition this was followed by two semi-finals where the first place team played the forth and the second and third placed teams played to decide who would ultimately make it to the finals. Hopetoun were the only house to put a team in to the finals in both the upper and lower competitions but couldn’t quite hold their form in the final matches. Overall winners: Lower Prep Champions: The Stanley Upper Prep Champions: The Wellesley A great morning of football was enjoyed by all, on what was the school’s first ever Super-Saturday. The houses are now looking forward to their next Inter-House Competition – More details to follow. Shane Hambling


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校友惠系列访谈 | 2019届 Isabella Petry——拥抱人生的惊喜2025-01-07
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