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Raising all twenty flags at Wellington College


Raising all twenty flags at Wellington College

On Friday 24th of October, Wellington College International Shanghai celebrated its first cohert of pupils with a parade and its very first annual International Food Fair, led by Wellington’s parents’ association.

With a tremendus effort by our parents, Wellington was transformed into a celebration of different cultures and ethnicities.

The fantastic blue skies and sunshine topped off the atmosphere with the Fair officially starting with a parade of nations. Parents and staff welcomed and applauded each group of pupils on Wellington’s esplanade.

Following the parade an impressive International Food Fair saw delicious food representing over twenty countries and regions including Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, UK, Saudi Arabia, Spain and many more, all prepared and presented by our parents.

At the end of the event, founding Master, Mr David Cook thank all volunteered parents & Friends of Wellington committee to pull out such an amazing event only 8 weeks after the College’s opening in August.

In Wellington’s very first term such an event was not only historic, but emotional and memorable for Pupils, parents, and staff.


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