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Meet the Teachers


Meet the Teachers

Wellington prides itself as a school that values a sense of community both within the corridors of the school, and between the staff and parents; nowhere was this more apparent than at the Friends of Wellington Meet the Teachers event on Friday night.

New and old staff gathered with Wellington parents at The Renaissance Hotel in Puxi to get to know each other.  Kindly arranged by the Friends of Wellington, over 180 staff and parents mingled amongst the twinkling lights of the Shanghai skyline as the buffet was enjoyed and the wine flowed freely.

The Friends of Wellington were gathered on stage to be thanked for their very successful inaugural year: Coffee Mornings, Christmas and Halloween parties, The Summer Fayre, The International Food Fayre and Parade and not forgetting the Anniversary Ball.  The speech by Master David Cook took a while, understandably!

Whilst taking in the breathtaking views, staff shared with parents their first impressions of how well their children had settled into the new academic year. It was a lovely sight to behold, teachers and parents talking and meeting for the first time informally, setting the foundations for a very successful year ahead at Wellington College International Shanghai.


上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch
开卷有益 | 上海惠灵顿寒假书单
开卷有益 | 上海惠灵顿寒假书单2023-12-20
寒假的到来,让我们有更多时间与国内外的亲朋好友相聚。无论身处何方,我们都希望学子可以在闲暇之余,读一本好书。今年寒假,学校图书馆馆长Rafael Santos Montesino,为不同年龄阶段的学子推荐了一份书单。在此,祝大家假期愉快,享受阅读的乐趣! 小学预备段 Little Santa(当圣诞老人小时候)Jon Agee著 本书超级有趣,非常温馨!作者通过想象,揭秘圣诞老人小时候的惊天秘密
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng2024-05-24
随着2023-2024学年渐近尾声,我校即将迎来新一届毕业生。他们将踏上更广阔的舞台去探索世界,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。值此毕业之际,2024届学子纷纷回首在校求学的美好时光,并分享对未来的期望。 Cheng便是其中一位。他从五年级起入读我校,并开始了在惠灵顿长达九年的学习生涯。其间,他收获到成功的喝彩,更重要的是,学会了如何从失败中汲取宝贵经验。无论是课堂内的知识探索,还是排球场上的激烈竞技,