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Congratulations to the Four Wellington finalists of City Weekend Art & Photography Competition!


Congratulations to the Four Wellington  finalists of City Weekend Art & Photography Competition!

At Wellington College International Shanghai we strive to encourage pupils to be involved in all aspects of education and to inspire a love for learning across multiple disciplines, the arts being a big part of this.

In the Art department our aim is to nurture creativity through project based work, developing skills in a variety of media and techniques while pushing our pupils to be independent and effective problem solvers.

We actively encourage pupils to participate and submit work for art competitions as these provide pupils with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and growing skill set to a design brief that authenticate what we teach in the classroom.

We are very proud that four of our exceptional young artists work are being celebrated and their creativity and talent is being rewarded at the 2015 City Weekend Art & Photography Competition.  All winners were invited to attend the Awards Ceremony on Saturday 23rd January at The Hub where they received their awards and prize. Congratulations to

Eliot – Winner for Age 14-16 group
May – Honorable Mention for Age 9-13 group
Roni - Top 50 Finalists Nominee for Age 9-13 group
Aaliyaa- Top 50 Finalists Nominee for Age 9-13 group

Artwork from Eliot


Artwork from May


Artwork from Roni


Artwork from Aaliyaa



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