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Wellington Year 2 Clowning Experience


Wellington Year 2 Clowning Experience

On Monday 25th April, Year 2 had a Circus themed “Wow” day to introduce them to their new International Primary Curriculum (IPC) topic, “The circus is coming to town”. Wow days are designed to get pupils interested in their new IPC unit.

The children were asked to come to school dressed in a circus themed costume. We were amazed at the ingenuity and effort that had gone into the creation of the wonderfully themed attire of clowns, acrobats, circus masters and circus animals.

It was not only the children who dressed up. All four Year 2 teachers amazed the children by dressing up as circus clowns, and performing a clown routine for the children which included somersaults, juggling, human pyramids and blowing bubbles.

However, the day’s real success came from taking advantage of the enormous wealth of talent that we have within the staff team and older children further up the school. We had magic, conjuring, acrobatics, contortionists, illusion, juggling and umbrella balancing from the staff. Stand out performances came from our Master demonstrating his juggling skills, plus two enormously talented children from Year 6 – Evan and Nicholas Su – demonstrating their yo-yo tricks.

The children – and staff – all had a wonderful day.

More importantly, the children were filled with enormous enthusiasm for the start of the new IPC topic, and they learned many new concepts and vocabulary from both the demonstration part of the day, and the later circus skills workshops which were put on for them in the afternoon.


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