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Rugby Round Up


Rugby Round Up

We have now come to the end of our U.13 rugby season and what a season it has been.  With a number of newcomers to the team including Alex, Kyah, Martin, Owen and Cameron, have been tremendous additions to the squad. The team have been in competition this year with Dulwich Suzhou, BISS Puxi, the French School, the Japanese School, ‘The Hairy Crabs’ and Dulwich College, Shanghai. It was a fantastic season, and it was great seeing the boys develop as a team throughout the weeks.

Our inspirational captain, Mats, led the boys throughout the season, and he certainly led by example giving everything in each game. The boys became a lot more confident and settled as a team throughout the weeks and played some very attractive rugby. The physicality that Nicky, Rob, Kyah and Martin brought to the team was huge and really set the platform for the backs to attack. Louis and Sam were very elusive runners and scored some lovely tries, as did our hard-hitting strike runners of Jasper and Owen.


The boys went into the finals confident, after beating all of the teams apart from a draw with Dulwich College, Shanghai. Unfortunately, the boys started slowly in the competition and lost their first game narrowly to the French school. This gave us everything to do in our pool. Next up were BISS Puxi and with a 7-try victory we were back on course. Our final game was against Dulwich Shanghai and with the previous games always being very close we knew it was going to be a battle. Wellington took an early lead and with great line speed the boys managed to keep the pressure on Dulwich, and come out with a 25-15 victory. Unfortunately, it was not enough for a place in the final, and our earlier loss to the French school would cost us as they went on to become deserving winners on the day.

I would like to thank Mr. Perry at Dulwich for organising the competition and to all of our parents who have supported the boys every week. Finally, huge congratulations to the U.13 team, it has been a pleasure to coach you all and I wish you all the very best in the future. Keep enjoying your rugby!

Mr. Lloyd
Director of Sport


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