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SCIS Hongqiao swim gala

And the season has begun. After 7 weeks of training, after the return to school from the summer holiday, the College swim team was in action over the weekend in the first big competition of the year. Two very early starts over the weekend saw the under 10s group in action on Saturday. Sunday was the turn of the 11s and older swimmers. It was an action packed program with swimmers from Wellington competing at SCIS as part of the Shanghai Swim League. We had our Agnes winning all of her races and winning 3 individual gold medals and one bronze in the relays. She won the overall best swimmer trophy for the 11 and 12 Age group. Jade won 3 silver medals in her individual events and one bronze in the relays. Tommaso won 3 silver medals in his individual events rating him 3rd overall for his age group 11 and 12 years old. Damian won 1 gold and 1 silver in his individual events. Tommaso won a silver and Anna Qi won a bronze on the day. Natalie and Aimee won a bronze in their respective relay race along with Jade Franetzki and Agnes Yu. Wellington came 3rd overall for the 13-14 Boys and 4th in the Girls and Boys 11-12. For some of our swimmers, this was their first ever meet, huge congratulation to Julian, Audrey and Carol for all their hard work in training and their efforts over the weekend.


敬请留意:ISCMS 2025年音乐节
敬请留意:ISCMS 2025年音乐节2025-01-23
诚邀您参加2月23日(周日)在上海东方艺术中心举行的国际学校合唱音乐协会(ISCMS)第14届音乐会! 来自ISCMS 2025年音乐节的问候首席小提琴手Melody(惠灵顿音乐艺术类奖学金获得者) 这一年度盛典聚焦于展现该地区国际及双语学校学生们的音乐才华。自2008年起,这些年轻表演者便汇聚于此,共同呈现了一场场纯粹而精彩的音乐晚会。 今年的节目堪称一绝,不仅迎来了Constant Lamb
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng2024-05-24
随着2023-2024学年渐近尾声,我校即将迎来新一届毕业生。他们将踏上更广阔的舞台去探索世界,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。值此毕业之际,2024届学子纷纷回首在校求学的美好时光,并分享对未来的期望。 Cheng便是其中一位。他从五年级起入读我校,并开始了在惠灵顿长达九年的学习生涯。其间,他收获到成功的喝彩,更重要的是,学会了如何从失败中汲取宝贵经验。无论是课堂内的知识探索,还是排球场上的激烈竞技,
上海惠灵顿Ingenium Lions队在VEX机器人大赛中荣获季军
上海惠灵顿Ingenium Lions队在VEX机器人大赛中荣获季军2024-12-19
上海惠灵顿Ingenium Lions队在VEX机器人大赛中荣获季军 凭借上周末在VEX机器人大赛中的精彩亮相,我校机器人项目正稳步迈向新的高度。作为学校获得REC基金会官方合作伙伴资格认证的重要活动之一,此次大赛汇聚了来自上海和杭州的十所学府。 惠灵顿Ingenium Lions机器人队凭借着坚定的决心、敏锐的机智、非凡的创意、默契的协作以及卓越的团队精神,在比赛中大放异彩,同时也精进了队员们