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Meet our new Head of Music

Meet our new Head of Music

The Michaelmas term is now in full swing and the music department has jumped to the challenge. In the last month we have moved classrooms, added new classrooms and instrumental music teachers to our ranks, developed our classrooms and have begun working with our first cohort of IB Diploma pupils.

The music department all works with a common vision – that everybody has an innate love of music. Whether you enjoy Bach or Biffy Clyro, Gamelan or Grieg, music is a way in which we can all communication and express our inner soul. Our role as music staff at Wellington College International Shanghai is to nurture that love and develop it into something tangible. Our ambition is to develop students who are inspired to listen and appreciate music for the rest of their lives and hopefully use the abilities that they gain through music lessons to create and perform music that may inspire others to do the same.

Music is an inclusive activity; it is something that we can all take part in and enjoy. We do not expect every child to walk away from the school being a concert-level pianist, but it is our aim that every student can move on with a greater understanding of how music works and appreciation for music their ears may have previously been closed to.

The music department is a busy and bustling place – preparations for concerts and performances are underway including our Jazz Band playing at the renowned JZ Festival, rehearsals have begun for concerts throughout the term and will culminate in the production of “Annie Jr” in collaboration with the Drama department which we will be performing on the 8-10th December.

As well as all of this, our instrumental programme is now in full swing and we are adding new instruments all the time. If your child is interested in learning and developing an instrument we would be keen to hear from you – simply come to the music department at any time and speak to one of the music staff.

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”


Sam Mulliner
Head of Music



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