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Year 3 take a tasting tour of the Zotter Chocolate Factory

This term, the Year 3 pupils have started their new International Primary Curriculum (IPC) topic of 'Chocolate’ – with a view to learning more about the history of its production, as well as its geographical and artistic influences on the countries where it is made. On Friday 10th February, To support this exciting and rather tasty topic, Wellington College International Shanghai Year 3 pupils, teachers and parent volunteers visited the Zotter Chocolate Factory in Puxi. Our tour of the factory began with an educational introductory video which outlined the key steps of the chocolate-making process. Not only did this demonstrate to pupils the complexity and precision that goes into making every chocolate product, it also highlighted the growing importance of using fair trade ingredients to make the global chocolate industry more sustainable and responsible. After the introductory video, we began our exploration of the chocolate-making process itself, starting with the cacao pods. We were shown exactly how the cacao beans were harvested from their pods to form the base for the chocolate we know and love. The pupils were even given the opportunity to taste the cacao beans before the processing stage; it was certainly not to everyone’s liking! As they reacted to the bitter and sweet flavours, this hands-on activity helped them understand how much the initial ingredients would change and evolve during the manufacturing process to become the end product they were familiar with. As we continued through the factory, our pupils were able to look through large glass panels and watch each stage of the chocolate’s development – from the preparation of the various base ingredients, to the melting and pouring of the liquid chocolate into various moulds for shaping, cooling and packaging. Every step of the tour was accompanied by the heavenly smells of the forming chocolate and the pupils also stopped at several points along the way to catch the scents of the chocolate flavourings, including vanilla, aniseed and cinnamon. The Zotter Factory tour wasn’t just about watching chocolate being made, the pupils were also able to get stuck in and craft their own chocolatey concoction. Factory chocolatiers helped them gather and turn the base ingredients into a hot molten mix which was poured into a large chocolate bar mould and left to slowly set. As the pupils waited for their creation to cool, they continued their tasting tour, testing the wondrous array of Zotter’s chocolate flavours, including spicy chocolate, fruity chocolate, salty chocolate, the classic dark and milk chocolate flavours and even vegan chocolate. The tour wasn’t quite finished; the pupils were also shown how to make real hot chocolate by melting full chocolate bar in hot milk. As a final treat, they were taken to the gift shop, where most of them bought a bar of their favourite chocolate from the many they had tried during the tour. This informative and action-packed day allowed our pupils to gain an invaluable insight into the artistry and dedication required to create high-quality chocolate. They learned about the origin and processing of the key ingredients, as well as the scientific nature of the manufacturing process itself. All in all, everyone hugely enjoyed their visit to the Zotter Chocolate Factory and there was certainly enough of the good stuff on offer to satisfy even the biggest sweet tooth. Mark Polatajko Year 3 teacher


上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生Cheng2024-05-24
随着2023-2024学年渐近尾声,我校即将迎来新一届毕业生。他们将踏上更广阔的舞台去探索世界,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。值此毕业之际,2024届学子纷纷回首在校求学的美好时光,并分享对未来的期望。 Cheng便是其中一位。他从五年级起入读我校,并开始了在惠灵顿长达九年的学习生涯。其间,他收获到成功的喝彩,更重要的是,学会了如何从失败中汲取宝贵经验。无论是课堂内的知识探索,还是排球场上的激烈竞技,
我们非常荣幸地宣布:又有一位惠灵顿学子喜获牛津大学法学院的录取通知。 “当收到录取通知书的那一刻,我首先非常震惊,随之而来的是极大的喜悦,"13年级学生Coleman说。"我相信牛津之所以选中我,是因为我展现出的那份积极向上的精神。我的个人陈述和面试中充分显示了我对心仪学科的热情以及我提升自己和促进社会进步的强烈愿望。 同时,本届13年级又有一名学生收到了剑桥大学自然科学专业的录取通知。令人欣喜的