Triple win to start the Senior SISAC football season
The Senior SISAC football season began with a bang this week, as all three teams started with a win. The Division 1 boys played on Tuesday against SCIS at home and despite being 2-0 down at half-time, they showed great determination and managed to score three goals of their own in the second half to win the match. The goal scorers were Olly, Max and Gerard, who scored the winner with only two minutes to spare before full-time.
On Wednesday, the Division 1 girls, who also played against SCIS, dominated the first half and led 1-0 with a well-worked goal from Isabella. The girls increased their lead after Leigh-Ann scored from close range and then held on, despite a late goal from SCIS, to win the game 2-1. The Division 2 boys team travelled to Dulwich and also won their match 4-2, – with goals scored by Matt, Efe and Taichi who managed two goals to seal the win. Congratulations to all the teams involved in this great start to the season.
与往年一样,为庆祝他们学业生涯中的重要里程碑,我们授予2022-23学年在IGCSE考试中获得最高分的10名学生荣誉证书——“IGCSE卓越奖”,并为他们量身定制西装。 “取得IGCSE 高分,不仅说明了这些学子的知识掌握程度,”中学部校长 Charles Debieux 博士说,“更清楚地表明了他们追求卓越的决心。他们所表现出的坚韧、自律和成长的心态等特质将持续助力后续的IB学习、大学生活,乃
上海惠灵顿毕业生专访 | 2024届毕业生 Sophie2024-05-31
随着2023-2024学年渐近尾声,我校即将迎来新一届毕业生。他们将踏上更广阔的舞台去探索世界,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。值此毕业之际,2024届学子纷纷回首在校求学的美好时光,并分享对未来的期望。 Sophie在10年级时加入了上海惠灵顿,这段经历丰富了她的世界,拓宽了她的视野。尽管要面对学业上的压力和挑战,但她有足够的空间与自由去追求自己真正热爱的事。在惠灵顿的四年里,她找寻到对物理专业的热爱
我们非常荣幸地宣布:又有一位惠灵顿学子喜获牛津大学法学院的录取通知。 “当收到录取通知书的那一刻,我首先非常震惊,随之而来的是极大的喜悦,"13年级学生Coleman说。"我相信牛津之所以选中我,是因为我展现出的那份积极向上的精神。我的个人陈述和面试中充分显示了我对心仪学科的热情以及我提升自己和促进社会进步的强烈愿望。 同时,本届13年级又有一名学生收到了剑桥大学自然科学专业的录取通知。令人欣喜的