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Learning curve for U13 girls volleyball but lots of fun at WISS

Last weekend saw the U13 girls play their very first tournament of the year at The Western International School Shanghai. This team has spent the term playing together in the CISSA competition that has been running for the last four weeks, consisting of midweek matches against other schools. Most of the girls are very new to volleyball but this didn’t deter them for a moment as they travelled to WISS very much looking forward to competing at a higher level and delivering their best possible performance. It was a tough start for the girls as they lost to YK Pao B 27-7. However, their fortunes picked up in the second match, which was very closely fought but ultimately resulted in a 25-23 victory over SUIS PD. The third match was equally hard fought but sadly it did not go in favor of the girls and resulted in defeat against WISS 25 – 20. The final game also resulted in defeat against the eventual tournament winners YK Pao A 25-5. The girls worked extremely hard as a team, remaining positive throughout the tournament and benefitting greatly from the experience. A special thanks goes to Mrs Walter – Annabelle’s mum – who coached the girls for the tournament. We look forward to the team’s future successes as the girls continue to work on their skills and gain confidence and experience in equal measure.


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