DT spotlight | Year 10 trip and 3D jigsaw puzzle project
Last term was a busy time for our year 10 designers, as it saw the culmination of two projects that they have spent a great deal of energy working on. Firstly, in March, year 10 took a trip down to the Real Mall opposite Jing An Temple, to experience a day in an exciting workshop where they run an array of artisanal workshops there.
Whilst at the workshop, the pupils learned all about the wood lathing process as they turned a wooden bowl out of a block of walnut or cherrywood. They quickly discovered how to form and shape the wood, using the lathe to create a beautifully formed shape. Once they had successfully achieved this, they added further aesthetic qualities such as grooves and ridges, or they chose to have an entirely smooth finish.
In addition, the pupils were able to forge their own copper spoons from sheet material. They heated the copper and hammered it into shape, stamped their own symbols and characters on for a unique touch, and finally planished the spoon to give it a beautiful finish.
In both cases, year 10 developed various skills involved in taking something entirely unformed and then fully shaping it for themselves and subsequently making their own design choices. This kind of experience is very useful in preparing them for future projects where they will need to create innovative designs out of various materials.
"We had to be really patient and careful when using the lathe, because if you rush, then your bowl will definitely not be a smooth and intricate shape. We also learned that it is always important to wear your personal protective equipment, like aprons, masks and goggles, when using powerful equipment because you get dusty, very quickly. "
As well as their recent trip, year 10 finished one of their projects which involved making a series of 3D jigsaw puzzles for Wellington’s year 2 pupils. This turned out to be a highly successful and invaluable experience for them, because they were responsible for every stage of the project; from the client research, to designing and manufacturing the puzzles, and gathering feedback from their intended users.
After visiting year 2 and gathering feedback about what they would like to see in the final product, year 10 designed a range of vehicles, animals, and famous landmark buildings. They made prototypes and gathered feedback from year 2. They designed the outline for each product using 2D design tools, (Computer-Aided Design) and cut them out using the laser cutter (Computer-Aided Manufacture). Year 10 then hand finished the products using a range of hand tools to give the toys a professional finish, with a coat of varnish, or chalk board paint for protection. This allowed year 2 to chalk on various designs and embellishments to help bring the puzzle to life.
At every step of the way, year 10 designed with safety in mind; modelled and tested, and gathered user feedback to guide their design thinking about suitable shapes, materials and finishes.
"It was great seeing the younger children enjoying the puzzles that we had made. I think some of them were maybe a little too complicated because they had too many cross-halving joints, but generally year 2 really enjoyed them."
To round off all this hard work, year 10 gave a fantastic presentation to the whole of year 2 during their assembly time. They demonstrated how the puzzles worked and briefly explained each stage of the design process to give them an understanding of how products are made. During the following week, all year 10 visited year 2 to see their products in action, which was a lovely moment for both year groups. If you happen to head down that way any time soon you will no doubt see the puzzles being used.
We are thrilled to see the final outcomes of their projects and we have plenty more to look forward to before the end of the academic year.
Emma Philo
Head of Design Technology
– Josh, year 10
– Josh, year 10
Victoria Doamekpor信息科技与创新主任 近年来,教育科技的进步呈现出飞速发展的态势,这一趋势主要得益于对高效在线学习模式的需求以及生成式人工智能平台的蓬勃兴起。作为教育工作者,我们面临着一项挑战:如何运用这些先进的工具来提升学习效率,同时又要时刻关注这些工具对于学生福祉的影响。 同任何教学工具一样,科技应当以富有意义的方式运用到学习之中,为学生的学习机遇铺设坚实的基础,有力地提升
金秋十月,惠灵顿10周年校庆拉开帷幕。从首届幸福节,到年度国际美食节的全球社区欢聚一堂,再到精彩的体育和拼写竞赛,让我们一起来回顾一下十月的精彩瞬间吧! 迎战VEX Robotics 左划更多 10月25日,VEX V5和VEX IQ机器人大赛在惠灵顿校园圆满落幕。大赛强调创造力、团队合作和技术实力,与惠灵顿秉持的STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)教育精神不谋而合,充分体现了我校致力于培养年轻人
Felix Zhang惠灵顿之友主席 每年,惠灵顿的各位家长与老师都会齐聚我校的年度舞会,共庆我们取得的丰硕成果。这场众人翘首以盼的盛会不仅为我们所有人搭建起深化社区联系的桥梁,更是一次重申我们立志携手培养未来全球公民承诺的珍贵契机,满载着无尽的欢笑与喜悦! 本次年度舞会于11月2日星期六在上海北外滩W豪华酒店璀璨启幕,恰逢上海惠灵顿十周年庆典活动,今年的舞会更显意义非凡。作为周末庆典活动系列的