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Happy World Book Day and book lists from your absent Librarian

Pippa Jacobi College Librarian   Happy World Book Day Wellington! Today, when World Book Day is celebrated in the UK and at Wellington, I am truly missing the Library, its daily visitors and weekly class Library lessons. And I miss the BOOKS!! Every one of the 32,000(+) that we have. Our friend Mr Dilly had planned to come back for World Book Day - but has promised to come late in the year when the masks are off.   At the moment, I am loving the response from those pupils who are accepting my challenges. You have a different challenge coming your way this week – so look out for it. I have been reading a lot of Michael Rosen and watching his videos check them out – pupils, parents and anyone who’s curious will find something to amuse themselves here https://www.michaelrosen.co.uk. I look forward to seeing everyone soon but in the meantime READ, then READ some more and then READ again. Booklists have been sent out but if you want more then don’t be shy, just ask me pippa.jacobi@wellingtoncollege.cn. And please check my online library resources. I am sharing some book suggestions here for our parents, staff and senior pupils until we can all return to the library. Enjoy!   Reading suggestions for parents and staff

How Reading Changed My Life by Anna Quindlen (non-fiction)

Notes: Reading lists of some of the author's favorite books accompany her thoughts on the role of books and reading in her life.  

The Paris Mysteries by Edgar Allan Poe (Mystery)

Notes: Three mysteries in one book following the great detective Auguste Dupin. ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’, ‘The Mystery of Marie Rogêt’ and ‘The Purloined Letter’. Wonderful classics, beautifully written and despite these being macabre stories, they are detailed in such a gentle way. If you like the classics, you’ll love this.  

Thinking in Numbers by Daniel Tammet (non-fiction)

Notes: Thinking in Numbers is unprecedented: a pitch-perfect duet between mathematics and literature. Mathematics, Tammet says, is illimitable. It is a language through which the human imagination expresses itself. Presumably this means mathematics has, or deserves, a greater sense of distinct literature. In Tammet, it already has a laureate.  

The Glass Hotel by Emily St John Mandel (Science Fiction)

Notes: The bestselling author returns with this tale about the relationship between a New York financier, his waiter lover, a threatening note and a mysterious disappearance.  

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson (Historical Biography)

Notes: What Larson brilliantly provides are the finer details of the effects on England as he focuses on the family and home of its dynamic, idiosyncratic, and indefatigable leader. Larson’s skill at integrating vast research and talent for capturing compelling human dramas culminate in an inspirational portrait of one of history’s finest, most fearless leaders.  

Searching for Sylvie Lee by Jean Kwok (Realistic Fiction)

Notes: A poignant and suspenseful drama that untangles the complicated ties binding three women in one Chinese immigrant family.  

Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson (Thriller)

Notes: A wicked thriller that does not disappoint. Another gem that pulls the reader in and never lets go, even as the story comes to a close. This is a book that will keep you up at night and haunt your thoughts. A fun, chilling read.  

Run Me to Earth by Paul Yoon (Historical Fiction)

Notes: Yoon again exemplifies his unparalleled ability to create a quietly spectacular narrative that reveals the unfathomable worst and unwavering best of humanity; the result here provides mesmerising gratification.   and finally…

Quarantine by Alison Bashford (non-fiction… or is it??)

Notes: An international cast of leading experts examine the enduring historical problems of migration and mobility, segregation, prevention and protection by states with different interests in freedoms, health and commerce.    

Reading suggestions for Senior School pupils

Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel

Notes: Visually stunning, dreamily atmospheric and impressively gripping. Station Eleven is not so much about apocalypse as about memory and loss, nostalgia and yearning; the effort of art to deepen our fleeting impressions of the world and bolster our solitude.  

The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu

Notes: A beautifully composed historical fantasy that will enthrall readers, especially those with music in their hearts.  

When We Were Vikings by Andrew David Macdonald

Notes: A sweet, funny, dark, rollercoaster ride of a book, about two unforgettable siblings trying to help each other grow up. Zelda is an entirely original character, a young woman with a cognitive disability, trying hard to navigate life on her own terms. But it’s her loving thug of a brother, Gert, that stole my heart. A wonderful book that’s less a novel than a movement, proving we can all be heroes of our own stories.  

Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings

Notes: A fairytale wrapped about in riddles and other thorny bits of enchantments and stories, but none of them quite like any you've heard before. Kathleen Jennings' prose dazzles, and her magic feels real enough that you might even prick your finger on it.   More relevant articles : Developing a love of reading | Tips from Wellington bookworms Priceless stories | World Book Day 2019 Marcus Dilly brings World of Wonder back to Wellington We are Wellington | Learning to love and respect books


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“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果公布 上海惠灵顿跃居全国第三2024-07-15
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 备受瞩目的“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果近日火热出炉,上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校再度上榜,并荣获相关榜单全国第三的史上最佳成绩,在上海国际学校排名中名列前茅。这一殊荣,充分肯定了上海惠灵顿在追求卓越的道路上所付出的努力,以及所取得的成就。 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 今年福布斯中国发布的“国际化学校年度评选”,择选出中国国内综合实力优秀的