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Insights | Creating a CSL curriculum for today's Wellington pupil  


Cheryl Liu Head of Second Language Chinese

Languages are living things. They grow, change and adapt to our rapidly changing world.  As teachers, we must keep a pace with these changes it if we want to ensure our pupils' success. This is why we are excited to introduce an entirely new Chinese as Second Language (CSL) curriculum to years 1 to 6 pupils in the  International kindergarten Shanghai for the 2020-21 academic year.   

Wellington CSL pupils are a unique lot with very particular needs. Many of them already have a working knowledge of Chinese, but it does not quite align with a lot of the textbook options available. So we decided to develop our own. The idea was to base it on a wide variety of highly authentic texts, featuring content that is directly relevant to our pupils' lives. The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) has provided us with a solid foundation for all of this. Lessons are informed by six revolving themes every academic year. These are:

  • Who we are
  • Where we are in place and time
  • How we express ourselves
  • How the world works
  • How we organise ourselves
  • Sharing the planet

From each of these themes, we, in turn, teach a different unit depending on the year group. The 'How the world works' theme, for instance, enables us to explore a vast body of knowledge that increases in scope and complexity as we advance through the year groups. As such, our year 1 pupils will learn about their senses. Pupils in year 2 will learn about plants and animals. In year 3 they will learn about how the earth rotates, life cycles, evolution and natural disasters and so on. We are, in effect, treating Chinese not as just an academic subject but as a way in which our pupils can learn all subjects. This opens up lots of opportunities for cross-curricular learning. This is precisely how a language is supposed to work.  


This new curriculum introduces a host of other advantages as well. Firstly, it is much more flexible. The themes, units and lines of inquiry we have laid out give teachers the freedom to adapt their lessons, teaching materials and coursework to best meet our pupils' needs. The content is more practical and up-to-date. Lessons will now place greater emphasis on the language as it is used in real-world situations. More importantly, this new curriculum promotes deeper thinking in Chinese. This means going beyond surface-level topics like colours and the weather. It also means moving past rote memorisation of vocabulary or teaching to the test. Instead, we are teaching them how to use the language internally as well as externally, to think and reason with it as well as speak with it. This ultimately promotes greater comprehension and retention.   

Finally, the PYP's underlying philosophy encourages pupils to engage in the world thoughtfully. This dovetails perfectly with the Wellington mission to make our pupils globally-minded, curious and confident citizens of the world.


正值我们喜迎十周年校庆之际,今年我们更添一份值得骄傲的喜悦。2024年IGCSE考试结果现已公布,我校中学部学子在本次考试中斩获优异成绩,81%的学生获得了A或A*成绩。其中超过半数的学生获得了A*成绩。尤为值得一提的是,我校学生在STEM科目上表现出色,94%的学生在数学和化学上获得了A或A*成绩!此外,包括中文在内的所有外语课程中,我们100%的学生都获得了A或A*成绩! Brendon F
近日,我校表彰了10位12年级优秀学子,为他们在IGCSE考试中取得优异成绩。本年度IGCSE卓越奖获得者更是取得了平均成绩为10个A*/A的辉煌战绩。这一卓越非凡的学术表现,不仅充分展现了学子们深厚的学术功底,更在他们的学业生涯中,镌刻下了一座里程碑式的辉煌印记。 “取得IGCSE 高分,不仅说明了这些学子的知识掌握程度,”中学部校长 Charles Debieux 博士说,“更清楚地表明了他
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上海惠灵顿Ingenium Lions队在VEX机器人大赛中荣获季军2024-12-19
上海惠灵顿Ingenium Lions队在VEX机器人大赛中荣获季军 凭借上周末在VEX机器人大赛中的精彩亮相,我校机器人项目正稳步迈向新的高度。作为学校获得REC基金会官方合作伙伴资格认证的重要活动之一,此次大赛汇聚了来自上海和杭州的十所学府。 惠灵顿Ingenium Lions机器人队凭借着坚定的决心、敏锐的机智、非凡的创意、默契的协作以及卓越的团队精神,在比赛中大放异彩,同时也精进了队员们