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Senior School pupils compete for their houses on Sports Day


Senior School Sports Day took place on the afternoon of 21st October in high school Shanghai. Our pupils in years 9 to 13 converged upon the College's sports field for an afternoon of spirited athletic competition between Wellington's eight houses.

This annual event features a series of traditional track and field events, such as discus, shot put, javelin, high jump, triple jump and a variety of running events. It is an opportunity for our pupils to put their athletic skills to the test and engage in friendly competition with their peers. More importantly, though, Sports Day is about Wellingtonians coming together, having fun, representing their houses and strengthening community bonds as they cheer one another on.

Jack North, Head of Sport Science and the key organiser for Senior School Sports Day says, "Sport is hugely beneficial to pupils. It is important to not only appreciate the physical benefits of sport but the mental and social aspects as well. This was clear to see from the interactions between the Houses and the competitive spirit displayed from countless pupils throughout the day. Sports Day was a perfect example for why schools need sport and the sense of belonging and inclusion it brings to all pupils."

Our Senior School pupils delivered standout performances on the field. They have represented their houses with distinction and have made all of us proud. Below are a few highlighted individual achievements from the day. Tallies of house total house scores show that it was a day of spirited competition, but ultimately the Hill / Hardinge prevailed with highest overall score of 301 points. Hopetoun placed second with 281 points and Lynedoch placed third with 276. A job well done, and congratulations to all who participated!

  • Sam (year 12, Combermere) 100m: 12.37 seconds
  • Justin (year 10, Hardinge) 1500m: 5 minutes 3 seconds
*Justin ran two 1500m races back to back, the second of which he competed with pupils two age groups above him. He won both races!
  • Rosie (year 12, Hopetoun) long jump: 4.40m
  • Scarlett (year 13, Stanley) discus: 16.20m
  • Dorothy (year 10, Hardinge) triple jump:  8.10m


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