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EdFest 2021 – Interpreting the Future of Education


After a yearlong hiatus, one of the best international schools in Shanghai,Wellington College China's Festival of Education will return once again in 2021 stronger than ever. Aimed at being one of China's leading events of its kind, the Festival of Education will feature speaking engagements with thought leaders in education. A series of panel discussions will explore the latest ideas in progressive education. There will also be workshops in which forward-thinking practitioners share the latest methodologies and best practices. "The Festival of Education represents Wellington College China's continued commitment to exploring new horizons and encouraging debate about what education is and (in keeping with this year's theme) where it is headed. Now more than ever it is important to be tackling these tough questions, so we are excited to be resuming this annual event once again."

– Paul Rogers, Festival Director


Events from the past years

Scheduled for late April, the 2021 Festival of Education features virtual events online as well as live events at Wellington College's Tianjin, Shanghai and Hangzhou campuses.

Virtual Festival of Education

Sunday to Friday 18 – 23 April 

(Our virtual events are open to all)

Scan the QR code to register for

the virtual Festival of Education


Live Festival of Education 

Saturday 17 April – Tianjin 
Saturday 24 April – Shanghai
Sunday 25 April – Hangzhou

Pre-sale tickets are now available, 

scan the QR code to book your tickets soon!


Festival of Education 2021 

– Interpreting the Future of Education

The Festival of Education is a forum for educators in China who seek professional development as well as parents or indeed anyone with a general interest in education. This year's programme of workshops and presentations will explore five key strands:

Future Schools Will schools still occupy physical buildings in the future? If so, what will they look like? How can we design optimal learning environments? We will be asking these questions and more as we take a closer look at the role design and architecture play in the schools of the future.

Early Years Early Years is a crucial stage in any child's cognitive and physical development. They set the stage for a child's whole educational journey. Geared toward educators and parents, these dedicated sessions will be an opportunity to share ideas and learn about the latest developments in Early Years education.

Bilingualism These sessions will explore why a bilingual education so important. What value does it bring to our pupils, and how does it contribute to making fully engaged, globally minded citizens? How do we provide the best bilingual education possible and what is good bilingual education?

Wellbeing An in-depth look at what we mean by wellbeing and why it is essential to holistic education. We will discuss how we can achieve it for ourselves, our pupils and their parents.

Mental Health What can we do to promote positive mental health in ourselves and in our pupils? How do we know we have it, and what steps can we take to maintain it? These will be the key subjects of discussion in this series of workshops.

Sponsorship/exhibiting opportunities

The Festival of Education presents the opportunity to engage with an influential and progressive education audience in a relaxed and welcoming environment. We have many sponsorship options for this event. Each one offers a platform to network and promote your organisation to educators and the wider community.Contactshanghai@festivalofeducation.cn to receive our partnership proposal.


TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”
TEDx Youth探索“未知水域”2025-02-19
上学期,我校学生通过一年一度的TEDxYouth演讲活动(由学生自主组织),向全体师生呈现了一场精彩绝伦的展示,充分展现了年轻人旺盛的好奇心、非凡的勇气以及不可估量的潜能。这次演讲以“未知水域”为主题,9至13年级的学生们纷纷登台,围绕多个引人深思的话题,满怀激情地分享了自己的见解、疑问和想法。 从探究手机对年轻人的影响,到深刻剖析司法、道德与政治领域的错综复杂性,这些年轻的演讲者凭借其敏锐的洞
上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch
“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果公布 上海惠灵顿跃居全国第三
“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果公布 上海惠灵顿跃居全国第三2024-07-15
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 备受瞩目的“2024福布斯中国·国际化学校年度评选”结果近日火热出炉,上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校再度上榜,并荣获相关榜单全国第三的史上最佳成绩,在上海国际学校排名中名列前茅。这一殊荣,充分肯定了上海惠灵顿在追求卓越的道路上所付出的努力,以及所取得的成就。 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 今年福布斯中国发布的“国际化学校年度评选”,择选出中国国内综合实力优秀的