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Wellingtonians took to the stage for 'An Evening of Dance'


Last Wednesday 21 April, the Wellington College Theatre hosted its first-ever all-dance evening performance, and our pupils and technical crew put on a wonderful show.

Pupils from from wide range of age groups participated in this show. Everybody put a lot of hard work into learning, choreographing and rehearsing original works as well as performing dances by famous choreographers. They delivered masterful performances in a variety of styles, too — hip hop, modern, ballet, jazz, ballet, traditional Chinese and much more. 

Dance is a basic human activity for any age, gender, culture, economic class and ability. It connects us to the rhythm of life — all its highs, lows and in-betweens. And it is life that dance truly celebrates, the spark and drive to create and thrive regardless of the circumstances. Dance is affirmation and togetherness.

But events such as these are about more than just dance. They present an opportunity for our pupils to live the values that we hold dear at Wellington. Our pupils develop the courage to try new things and step out of their comfort zones. By cooperating in an ensemble, they learn the importance of being responsible for themselves and for others. This means means being a dependable teammate as well as a supportive friend. It also means cultivating the vision and perseverance to start something and see it all the way through to its completion.

I am very proud of all our dancers and technical crew who made this performance such a success. I am also thankful for everything they have taught me through working together. I look forward to tapping into their creativity and passion yet again in many shows to come!


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