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We are Wellington | Wellington Scholar Anna, year 12




One small decision can completely alter the course of one's life. This is certainly the case for year 12 pupil Anna. Her family had relocated to Shanghai last year. She was already enrolled and ready to attend another international school in Shanghai. Nevertheless, always curious, Anna began browsing the internet to see what it would like to be a student in Shanghai.

"I was looking at other schools in Shanghai to see who I might be socializing with," she explains. "I discovered Wellington's website and I thought, 'This looks nice!' Then I saw the section about the Academic Scholarship, and I thought, 'This sounds a lot like me!"

That was 16 April. The application deadline for Wellington's Academic Scholarship was 17 April. Anna had less than a day. She got to work. "I decided to see what I could put together in a few hours," she recalls.

When Anna completed her application she showed it to her parents. "I told them, 'This is just an experiment, but could you scan this for me so I could send it?' They thought it was funny. None of us thought I was going to get in. We figured they awarded this scholarship on a first-come-first-serve basis, and here I was filing my application in the eleventh hour," she says.



Nevertheless, Anna proceeded with the application, "I really just wanted to see how far I could get with it, and apparently I went pretty far," she adds. It was not long before she was contacted for an interview.

"I think a big part of what got me this scholarship was my interview," says Anna. "I am very interested in politics, and the subject took up close to 45 minutes of my one hour interview with Mr McCallum. We talked about the Electoral College in the US and eventually went on to British politics and then went to German politics."


Anna was then asked to take an assessment test — which she excelled at — and then to write an essay. "The topic was three notable people in history or fiction whom I admire or compare myself with, so I wrote about Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, Nymphadora Tonks from the Harry Potter novels and Noor Inayat Kahn. She was a double agent in the Second World War," Anna explains. 



When Anna started at Wellington, the academic year was already in progress, so there was some of catching up to do. Adding to the challenge was the fact that she chose to take an advanced placement in year 12. But it did not take long for Anna to adjust. "In the beginning, it was intimidating, but so far, my coursework is giving me just the right amount of challenge," she says.

It helped that Anna's housemates immediately made her feel welcome. "This place is like Hogwarts for me. When I heard they had houses here, I went crazy! I did not know that was a thing," she says.



Since then, Anna has been thriving at Wellington. The demanding IB curriculum teaches her to stretch herself beyond what she thought she was capable. Meanwhile, she landed a major part in Wellington's recent Senior School production of the Broadway musical Chicago. "School was never a full-time job for me before coming to Wellington," she admits, "but I enjoy working. I find it rewarding."

Reflecting on how she earned the Wellington Academic Scholarship, Anna says, "Having so little time to apply was actually quite liberating for me. Of course, I had hoped to get in, but I did not think I would. Because there was no mark I had to hit, I could just be myself."

And while she would not necessarily recommend that applicants approach the Wellington Academic Scholarship with the same degree of spontaneity that she did, she maintains that being yourself is your biggest asset. "Do not try to be what you think they want you to be. Just be you. That is enough."


Wellington is now accepting applications for the 2021-22 academic year. To learn more about how to apply, please scan the QR code below. 




对于计划申请2025-26学年入学的家庭,我们诚邀您即刻注册,参与开放日活动!席位有限,先到先得。 开放日当天,您将有机会参观校园,与教学部主任面谈并深入了解学校社群。在上海惠灵顿,教育不仅关乎技能、知识与技巧的习得与掌握,更是一次塑造孩子心灵,激发每一位学子充分发挥自身潜能的变革之旅。 自2014年建校以来,我校一直坚定不移地致力于为2-18岁的孩子提供世界一流的教育,培养他们具备好奇心、创造
惠灵顿喜迎圣诞!我校社区正沉浸在圣诞节庆典的狂欢之中,从圣诞树点亮仪式,到圣诞喜剧演出,再到令人心潮澎湃的音乐会,每一项活动都精彩绝伦。无论是幼儿部学子们在市集上播撒节日的喜悦,还是中学部合唱团在上海各地高唱圣诞颂歌,每一个角落都洋溢着神奇与欢乐。现在,就让我们一起回顾那些点亮了惠灵顿有史以来最绚烂圣诞节的精彩瞬间吧! 圣诞树点亮仪式 左划更多 上海惠灵顿以一年一度的圣诞树点亮仪式,正式揭开了圣
上海惠灵顿的社群成员的才华和热情不仅仅局限于学校的学习或工作。我们的学生、员工、家长当中,有许多人在为学校贡献力量的同时,还拥有着自己的一方天地。学生自制栏目——#MoreUnboxed系列视频中,12年级的学生记者Christina以深入对谈、挖掘不同经历与见解为己任,为我们揭开惠灵顿社群成员丰富的多面人生。 本期节目中,Christina邀请到了Alan Pritchard先生。Pritch