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We Are Wellington | Alumni Voices: Maximilian Dyckerhoff

At Wellington Shanghai school, our mission is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills to be well-rounded, globally-minded citizens. So our key metric of success is ultimately the success of our pupils. In our We Are Wellington | Alumni Voices series, we showcase such successes by catching up with Old Wellingtonians to learn about experiences and insights gained in life after Wellington. In this edition, Maximilian Dyckerhoff, who left Wellington Shanghai private school in 2018, tells us why he chose to study Business Administration and Economics at the University of California, Berkeley in the US and how Wellington has prepared him for success.


In what ways has your Wellington education prepared you for success at university?

The freedom and flexibility that Wellington,one of the best international schools in Shanghai provided throughout my four years have been crucial to succeeding at UC Berkeley. The academic rigour of the IB Programme has made the transition a lot smoother going to college. UC Berkeley really fosters independence and accountability. I think that Wellington supported me a lot in this regard as they gave me a lot of freedom and independence to make sure I was crafting my journey.


Why did you choose to enrol at the University of California, Berkeley?

I was choosing between UCLA, USC, UC Berkeley and Columbia and decided to visit each of these schools before making a final decision. When visiting Berkeley, I realized this is where I want to be spending my college years. It is the perfect combination of top-tier academics, great job prospects and excellent D1 athletics. UC Berkeley also has a very diverse and engaged student community with a strong presence of student organisations that provide great professional experiences. I could not be happier about my decision.



What made you want to study Business Administration and Economics and minor in data science?

I have always been fascinated by business and entrepreneurship. Early on, I realised I wanted to pursue a career in either private equity or management consulting. The Business major along with the network of the Haas Business School is extremely useful, while Economics is a subject I have always been passionate about. I decided to add a minor in Data Science despite my lack of computer science experience because I believe the skills will become fundamental in most job functions going forward.


While you were in Wellington, sports played a big part in your life. What valuable life lessons have you gotten out of sports? How do you apply them to your life at university and as you prepare for your career?

Soccer has played a major role in my life and continues to play a large role here at Berkeley. I got into UC Berkeley academically and decided to walk on to the D1 Men’s Soccer team. Soccer has always been a core part of my identity. It has taught me discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.



Since leaving Wellington, you have also interned at Partners Group and Roche. What have you learned from these experiences, and how have they influenced your career path?

During my gap year, I was able to do a shadowing internship in the private equity industry. There, I experienced a healthcare deal flow first-hand and was captivated by the work. It emphasised my interest and passion for finance and healthcare. Last summer, I was planning to do an internship in M&A with Hoffmann La Roche, but this was cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead, I completed an internship with Roche in supply chain strategy, which was very insightful, as I gained a more profound understanding of the pharmaceutical industry. This upcoming summer, I will be working as an investment banking summer analyst at a bulge bracket bank.


What do you like most about Berkeley and why?

For me, it has been the great opportunities and the student community. Berkeley has a very 'work hard, play hard' mentality that I have really enjoyed. Everyone is extremely driven and has diverse interests. You are surrounded by ambitious individuals who also want to build start-ups, and it is this mentality and passion that I think speaks volumes for Berkeley.  From classes to student organisations to Greek life and the athletics teams, you have incredible opportunities here.


In what ways does the Berkeley experience differ from the Wellington experience?

I think that my Berkeley experience is very different in the sense that Wellington fostered a strong community amongst students through the house system. In Berkeley, it is a lot more individualised and you have to take initiative yourself, there isn't someone holding your hand along the way.



Tell us your fondest memory of your time at Wellington?

My fondest memory of Wellington was graduation night together with my graduating class, enjoying the academic accomplishments of our class with one of the best views of the Shanghai skyline. Sitting together with my classmates and reflecting on the both challenging and rewarding time at Wellington.



What three pieces of advice would you offer current Wellingtonians?

1. Persist and find a passion — either academically or beyond — that gives you fulfilment. Have a passion that allows you to balance the academic rigour of college.
2. Try to figure out what exactly you want in your college experience. It is best to think about this earlier on, so you can learn about your options and prepare accordingly. I was very indecisive, and this made my process a lot more stressful than it should have been.
3. Challenge yourself. Find something out of reach, uncomfortable or challenging and take the initiative to do it.


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