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We Are Wellington| Building character, finding direction


Victoria Doamekpor joined Wellington Shanghai private school in its second year and is the proud mother of Aaliyaa and Ezekiel. As part of our on-going We are Wellington series, we ask our wider Wellington community — staff members, parents and pupils — to share their experiences of the College and talk about what makes Wellington special to them. Vicki joins us to share how Wellington has been so instrumental to the growth and personal development of her children. 

Looking to the year ahead 

This is my daughter Aaliyaa's first year of IGCSE courses, and she is very excited to expand her knowledge in the subjects that she has chosen. She looks forward to spending two consecutive years with her teachers, getting to know them and allowing them to get to know her as a learner too. My son, Ezekiel, is now in year 7 and is also very excited about his new subjects. He has chosen Spanish for his modern foreign language and also computer science.

Building character through co-curricular activities 

When we moved to Wellington, my son, Ezekiel, immediately threw himself into football, and it has been an important part of his life ever since. He was chosen for the Primary FOBISIA team two years in a row and thoroughly loved the trip in 2019. Last academic year, he also participated in the Phuket football trip, which he also loved. I think by taking part in these teams and going abroad he has gained a significant amount of confidence and independence. He has matured in a way that he probably would not have if he did not have these opportunities.

Aaliyaa had been eager to learn a musical instrument for quite a few years. When we first came to Wellington I was finally able to make that happen. We looked at the list of musical instruments on offer here, she chose the clarinet, and immediately embraced learning the instrument with passion. In year 6, she performed in her first Prep musical, Bugsy Malone, and since then has taken part in Peter Pan, Shrek and Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoat. Her confidence has grown, and she loves being on stage, singing, dancing and acting. Last year, she applied and was successfully awarded a full music scholarship for voice and clarinet. Being a scholar has opened up further opportunities for her, and last academic year, she travelled with other music scholars to Vietnam to take part in music FOBISIA, which was an amazing experience for her.

Forging friendships, building confidence 

Both of my children have gained a considerable amount of confidence from their friends. They both have strong friendship groups that encourage them to take part in teams, such as the football team and swim team, as well as other events such as Have to Dance and musical auditions. Aaliyaa's friends are academically encouraging as well, and this has really pushed her to strive for academic excellence.

Finding direction 

Wellington is really equipping my children for the future, especially in terms of their independence. They are gaining the confidence to organise themselves correctly, to plan what they need to do in their lessons and to think further ahead in terms of where they are going from here. In Senior School, Aaliyaa is taught a lot about future careers and subject choices related to them, and, even though she is 14, she already has a career path in mind. It makes me think back to when I was 14. I certainly did not know that I wanted to be a teacher. To have a really clear idea of where you want to go when you are still a teenager is really important to help you develop the skills that will help you get to where you want to go.

Growth experiences  The progress my two children have made over the years is remarkable. When we first joined Wellington, Ezekiel was six years old, and he has developed so much. We actually came from the Netherlands, and formal schooling does not start there until year 2. He arrived into year 2 at Wellington not being able to read English and he did not even know how to hold a pencil! I look back now and think how much he has grown as a learner in the past five years. He is now hard working and motivated, and thoroughly enjoys learning and developing. I think he gets a lot of that from his sister. She is a very good role model in terms of her academic rigour. One of the key strengths of Wellington is the House system. Aaliyaa started at Wellington in year 5, when this year group was part of Upper Prep. She was among the youngest pupils in this area of the Prep School. As she advanced through the years, she benefited from the mentorship of the older pupils. During her time in the prep school, she held numerous leadership positions including deputy head of house and prefect. With these roles, she was then able to nurture the younger pupils and gain valuable leadership skills and experience. Now in year 10, she has the confidence to apply for more leadership positions where she can use these skills and experience further.



Victoria Doamekpor信息科技与创新主任 近年来,教育科技的进步呈现出飞速发展的态势,这一趋势主要得益于对高效在线学习模式的需求以及生成式人工智能平台的蓬勃兴起。作为教育工作者,我们面临着一项挑战:如何运用这些先进的工具来提升学习效率,同时又要时刻关注这些工具对于学生福祉的影响。 同任何教学工具一样,科技应当以富有意义的方式运用到学习之中,为学生的学习机遇铺设坚实的基础,有力地提升
我们非常荣幸地宣布:又有一位惠灵顿学子喜获牛津大学法学院的录取通知。 “当收到录取通知书的那一刻,我首先非常震惊,随之而来的是极大的喜悦,"13年级学生Coleman说。"我相信牛津之所以选中我,是因为我展现出的那份积极向上的精神。我的个人陈述和面试中充分显示了我对心仪学科的热情以及我提升自己和促进社会进步的强烈愿望。 同时,本届13年级又有一名学生收到了剑桥大学自然科学专业的录取通知。令人欣喜的
从心,致体育育人: 惠灵顿幼儿部垒球明星老师的人生启迪
从心,致体育育人: 惠灵顿幼儿部垒球明星老师的人生启迪2024-01-29
惠灵顿幼儿部垒球明星老师的人生启迪 丰富的人生经历往往是最强大的教学资源。这也是为什么惠灵顿的教师不只具备出众的教学资质,更会将自身宝贵的经验与独特的视角带入课堂。Joanne Philander就是其中一位。加入惠灵顿之前, Joanne是一名垒球运动员,并拥有着成功的职业生涯。17岁时,她便在国际赛事上代表南非女子国家队出战。2010年,她和队友成功获得参赛资格,在委内瑞拉加拉加斯举办的IS